Friday, December 19, 2014

"The Value of Life"

Good Morning!

*Module #4,"The Value of Life"-- We have begun a new module that evokes our thinking on the value or meaning of life.  Yesterday the story that we began watching very much evokes thinking on what really matters during our time in life:

         "Why did I walk through crowds of fellow-beings with my 
           eyes turned down, and never raise them to that blessed Star 
           which led the Wise Men to a poor abode!  Were there no 
           poor homes to which its light would have conducted me!"

 HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Module #4

Good Morning!

*Module #4 -- Yesterday we responded to the first activity in the module called "The Value of Life."

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Module #4

Good Morning!

*NOTE:  Please contribute to the food drive

*Essays -- I would like to share a few more essays with you before we move on.  

*Module #4 -- yesterday I passed out the packet for Module #4, "The Value of Life."  Today, I would like you to spend some time responding to Activity #1 in your Writer's Journal.  Please write "Module #4" in your Writer's Journal and then "Activity #1."

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Good Morning!
*Food Drive Contributions -- please bring a can or two 
*Essay -- today I would like to share some of the essays that you have written before we move on. Today I will be reviewing all essays.

*Module #4 -- "The Value of Life"   We will begin this module this week.  It's a long module but we should be able to finish it by the end of the semester.  

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Essay of Controversy

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!
*Food drive contributions will be accepted until Friday.

*Essay of Controversy -- today is the very last day to complete this essay.  I WILL NOT read it if it is not at the very least 500 words. Six of you today will read each other's essay and make suggestions.  I will give you a form to complete.  
HOMEWORK: Completion of ESSAY!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Essay -- First Draft

Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive

*Food Drive -- any contributions?

*Essay Topic --  You have now completed a draft of your essay. Please print your essay out.  In a writer's response group you will read your essay, and the group members will respond with positive comments and feedback for revision. Please very carefully proofread your draft for errors.  

HOMEWORK:  Revise and edit your essay.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive

*Food Drive -- any contributions?

*Essay Topic --  By now you are well on your way in drafting your essay.  Today you will continue completing this draft which is due tomorrow.  The body of your essay consists of evidence that supports your point of view.  This is what you have spent this week accomplishing in class.

*Refer to Activity #19 for more guidance on writing this essay.

*This essay assignment requires the gathering of evidence to support your thesis.  This is what you are doing today.

HOMEWORK:  Your are composing your essay.  By tomorrow you will have a FULLY completed draft. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive

*Food Drive -- any contributions?

*Essay Topic -- By now you should have selected your topic and have written a tentative thesis.  Yesterday you created a new document and named it:  Period 2 Essay of Controversy
Share this new document with me:

*Refer to Activity #19 for more guidance on writing this essay.

*This essay assignment requires the gathering of evidence to support your thesis.  This is what you are doing today.

HOMEWORK:  Your are composing your essay.  By Friday you will have a FULLY completed draft. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Good Morning!

*Please get your netbook when you arrive

*Food Drive -- any contributions?

*Essay Topic -- By now you should have selected your topic and have written a tentative thesis.  TODAY you will go to your Google drive and create a new document.  Please name this new document as follows:  Period 2 Essay of Controversy
Share this new document with me:

*Refer to Activity #19 for more guidance on writing this essay.

*This essay assignment requires the gathering of evidence to support your thesis.  This is what you are doing today.

HOMEWORK:  Your are composing your essay.  By Friday you will have a FULLY completed draft. 

Monday, December 8, 2014


Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

*Please read at the bell for about 10 minutes.

*Food Drive -- any contributions?

*Essay Topic -- I asked you to make a decision on an essay topic and to write a thesis.  Refer to Acivities 15 - 18. One way to write a thesis is to first pose a research question and then turn it into a statement of opinion on your topic. e.g. Is it possible for U.S. colleges to become tuition free?  It is now approaching the time in the United States where colleges must follow Germany's example and offer a tuition free education.

Free College Tuition 
Tuition Free Universities in Europe

HOMEWORK:  Begin composing your essay

Friday, December 5, 2014

Racial Profiling

Good Morning!

*Please read at the bell for about 10 minutes.
*Food Drive -- any contributions?

*"Racial Profiling" -- looking at topics for your essay. For homework you were asked to decide on a topic. Please look at activity #15 & #16.  Today you will use the netbooks to help you decide on your topic by locating possible resources of information on your tentative topic.

Homework:  Make a decision on a topic for your essay and formulate a thesis. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Racial Profiling"

Good Morning!
*Please read at the bell for about 10 minutes.
*Food Drive -- please bring a can or two to class for the food drive.

*"Racial Profiling" -- yesterday we completed Activity # 12 together which you would have recorded in your Writer's Journal. 
NYC protests  
 *Sharing your 5 questions on the article. 
 *Activity #15 -- Writing Task -- With a partner generate a list of five possible topics.

Homework:  Make a decision on a topic for your essay 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Racial Profiling

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please begin at the bell.

*Writer's Journal -- please open your journal to Activity #12 and be ready to share your responses.

*Your 5 questions from yesterday -- you wrote some very good questions and I would like to discuss them.

*Activity #15:  Please open your packet to Activity #15 and read.  With a partner, think of 5 possible topics for this assignment.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading and essay topic.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Racial Profiling

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading Book -- Please begin reading at the bell.  I would like to take a look at what you are reading.

*"Racial Profiling" -- Please go to Activity #11.  Working alone or with a partner summarize this article in your Writer's Journal in no more than five sentences. Include five vocabulary words from this module in your summary. THEN, on a separate piece of paper write five questions that might generate discussion and turn in.  Next, go to Activity #12 and respond to the questions on logos, ethos, and pathos.  Bob Herbert

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Racial Profiling

Good morning and welcome back!  I hope that you had a very enjoyable vacation!

*NOTE:  This is the first day of the final six weeks for the first semester.  Let's have a successful final six weeks by getting all assignments completed

*Before Thanksgiving vacation we read the article "Racial Profiling."  You completed activities 1-4 in your Writer's Journal and activity #7 which was creating a picture outline of how the text is structured.  I would like us to look at a few more activities to examine some of the writer's rhetorical choices  (activities 7 & 8).  Complete Activity #11 in your Writer's Journal.

HOMEWORK:  Please select your independent reading book for the final six weeks.