Friday, May 29, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- you have read from pages 137 to 145 and you have recorded 10 details.  In your group of 3, write 5 questions from what we have read so far in "Burning Bright."  Then pick one passage from pages 137 - 145 to explain to the class (for meaning/significance).

HOMEWORK:  Go to the prom and enjoy this moment of your life!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*John Donne -- Meditation XVII, "No man is an island . . ."

*Fahrenheit 451 -- you have read from pages 125 to 137 and you have recorded 10 details.  

HOMEWORK:  Read pages 137 to 145 (stop at "Half an hour later" and record ten details.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*From The Doors of Perception (Aldous Huxley) -- Please read carefully and thoughtfully this excerpt and respond.  I believe you will see a connection to Fahrenheit 451.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- you have read from pages 125 to 137 and you have recorded 10 details.  

HOMEWORK:  Fahrenheit 451 -- catch up on the reading and assignments

Friday, May 22, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*TED Talk -- Virtual Reality & Human Empathy 

*Fahrenheit 451, "Burning Bright," p. 113

HOMEWORK:  Read pages 113 to 125 in Fahrenheit 451 and record 10 important details.  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Safe Driving

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*TODAY -- Safe Driving Presentation

HOMEWORK:  If you are not caught up with reading Fahrenheit 451, please get caught up and complete the assignments.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Article of Social Relevance -- a few of you did not share your article on Friday.  You will do so today.

*TED Talk -- Virtual Reality & Human Empathy 

*Fahrenheit 451, "Burning Bright," p. 113

HOMEWORK:  Read pages 113 to 125 in Fahrenheit 451 and record 10 important details.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Article of Social Relevance -- a few of you did not share your article on Friday.  You will do so today.

*TED Talk -- Virtual Reality & Human Empathy 

*Fahrenheit 451, "Burning Bright," p. 113

HOMEWORK:  Read pages 113 to 125 in Fahrenheit 451 and record 10 important details.   

Friday, May 15, 2015

Social Commentary Article

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*TODAY you will share the article of social commentary that you were assigned to locate.  In addition to the assignment that you were to complete on this article, you will be sharing the main ideas of the article with the class in an informed and knowledgeable manner.  You will speak clearly and with enough volume so everyone can hear you.

*TED Talk -- Virtual Reality & Human Empathy

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Social Commentary Article

Good Morning
Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 --  We will pause a bit with the reading today so you can continue a search for an article of social commentary perhaps relevant to a theme in Fahrenheit 451. 

*Article Assignment:   Due date is this Friday, May 5th.  You will present your chosen article to the class. Today, I am giving you some time in class to locate an article.

Homework:  Find an article of social commentary.  You
have an assignment handout for this.  You will be ready on Friday to tell the class about your article in an knowledgeable and informed manner.  You will also have completed the handout to turn in on Friday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Article of Social Commentary

Good Morning! 

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 --  We will pause a bit with the reading today so you can continue a search for an article of social commentary perhaps relevant to a theme in Fahrenheit 451. 

*Article Assignment:   Due date is this Friday, May 5th.  You will present your chosen article to the class. Today, I am giving you some time in class to locate an article.

Homework:  Find an article of social commentary.  You
have an assignment handout for this.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- You have read from pages 93 to 110 and you have recorded 10 details.  QUIZ on Part II.

*Article Assignment:   Due date is this Friday, May 5th.  You will present your chosen article to the class. Today, I am giving you some time in class to locate an article.

Homework:  Find an article of social commentary.  You
have an assignment handout for this.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!
*Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- You have read from pages 80 to 93 and you have recorded 10 details.  With an extra night you should be caught up.  

*Research -- Today you will do a search for an article of social commentary.  Yesterday I shared an article that commented on the disappearance of liberal arts majors or the humanities.  This article was highly relevant to Fahrenheit 451.  Due date is next Friday, May 5th.  You will present your chosen article to the class.

Homework:  Fahrenheit 451, -- Read from pages 93 to 110 which is the end of Part II, "The Sieve and the Sand"

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!
*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Article -- "Humanities, All Too Humanities"

*Fahrenheit 451 -- You have read from pages 80 to 93 and you have recorded 10 details.

*HOMEWORK: Catch up to the reading and assignments

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!
*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.
*Thoreau's "Reading" (Handout)

*Fahrenheit 451 -- You have read from pages 71 to 80 and you have recorded 10 details.


HOMEWORK: Read pages 80 to 93 -- stop at "He was eating a light supper . . ."  Record 10 important details. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Quiz on "The Hearth and the Salamander" -- Part One of Fahrenheit 451

Homework:  Read pages 71-80.  Stop at "Who is it?"

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- you read from pages 48 to 68 for homework and recorded ten details.  Quiz today on this first part -- "The Hearth and the Salamander"

HOMEWORK:  Catch up on the reading and the assignments.