Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Prelude: The Barbershop"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  "Prelude: The Barbershop" -- Yesterday you worked on questions to this text.  We will review and I will collect.

2.  Activity #19 -- You are going to complete the first part of this in your Response Journal:  Imitate Young's prose style by writing a 10-sentence paragraph in the spirit of his voice, maintaining his sentence length and structure, but writing about yourself and your own experiences with language, gender, culture, race, masculinity, femininity, or identity.

NOTE:  Tomorrow you will be reading and annotating the Lorde text, and Monday you will be researching for your own text to share which addresses language, gender, culture.  You will receive a handout which explains the assignment.  You will be writing a rhetorical precis on four texts -- two that we read in class and two of your own.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"Prelude: The Barbershop"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  "Prelude: The Barbershop" -- yesterday you read and annotated this text.  Today, please complete the questions on the text for further reinforcement of what the text says (handout).

You will be doing further work with the articles that we have read, so please work at fully grasping the main ideas. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

"Prelude: The Barbershop"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  Yesterday you answered questions for Activity #12 and defined words for Activity # 13. Please have your packet out and show me #7 and #13.


3.  "Prelude: The Barbershop"  -- please read carefully and annotate.  Note parts that might have confused you or with which you disagreed  We will then discuss. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Language, Gender, & Culture

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  Activity #12 -- I have been trying to get to this activity for the past two days.  It is important that we discuss the rhetorical nature of the texts that we read.  TODAY, I want you to consider questions 1-5, 15, 16, 24-27 and respond in your RESPONSE JOURNAL.

2.  Complete Activity #13 in the packet.  You may use your cell phone for this.

3.  Read and annotate Young's text -- "Prelude: The Barbershop"

Friday, April 22, 2016

"His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  Tannen's "His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness" -- yesterday you responded to questions on this text.  We will review your responses, and I will collect.

2. Activity #12 -- we will discuss these questions orally.  The questions that are asked are important to consider in grasping the readings more rhetorically (looking at claims made, evidence used, and credentials) and comprehensively.

HOMEWORK:  Complete any activity not completed in class 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

"His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  Tannen's "His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness" -- yesterday you read and annotated this article.  Right now, take a few moments to respond to Activity #10 in your Response Journal.

2.  Questions on Tannen's text (handout) 

3.  Complete Activity #12 in your Response Journal -- these questions may seem tedious to answer, but they are important to consider in developing a more sophisticated understanding of the distinctions among claims, evidence, and analysis.

HOMEWORK:  Complete any activity not completed in class 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Honor Code

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  "Honor Code" -- yesterday you read and annotated this text and answered questions for Activity #8.  We will discuss this text a little bit more and you will then complete Activity #9 in your Response Journal.

2.  Read and annotate Tannen's article and respond to Activity #10 questions in your Response Journal. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Honor Code

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

* Activity #8: Reading "Honor Code."  Thoroughly annotate this article and respond to the questions in Activity #8.  
        - How would you describe Henry? (2-5)
        - Describe the educational system.  (6)
        - What is the boy crisis? (7-10)
        - What explains the decline in male performance? (11)
        - What are Brooks' recommendations? (13-15)  

*Complete Activity #9 -- creating an idea map

Monday, April 18, 2016

Language, Gender, and Culture

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

* Activity #6:  Friday I gave you all four texts that we will be reading.  For Activity #6 you are making predictions about each text.  Respond in your journal to the questions in Activity #6.  

Activity #6 should take about 20 minutes and we will discuss your responses.  This includes reading the first paragraph of each text.  Try to respond to the questions as much as you can, primarily making predictions about what the text will say.

*Activity #7 -- You may use your cell phone to look up word definitions.  Record the information in the packet.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Language, Gender, and Culture

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library when you can -- as soon as possible.

* Language, Gender, and Culture -- Yesterday you received the module and response journal.  You completed Activity 1, and we saw a video with Judith Butler speaking.  Please take a few moments to complete Activity #2.

*Activity #3 -- oral discussion

*Activity#4 -- Quickwrite on relationships between language, gender, identity, and cultural norms.

*Activity #5 -- I will pass out all four texts.  Please read the biographical information in the packet.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Language, Culture, Gender

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library when you get a chance.

1.  New Module:  Language, Gender, and Culture.  You will receive the module packet today and a prepared response journal for the activities which you will maintain throughout this module.
     In this module we will be examining gender norms and the ways social pressures enforce those norms.  You will begin by reflecting on your own experiences of gender-based social pressures to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between language, gender, culture, and identity.
Jimmy Kimmel "Mansplaining" to Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Good Morning!

Yesterday you did a written response to 1984.  This was your final assignment on the novel.  I intend to share with you what students had to say about this novel.  Thank you for writing to the final line! 

Tomorrow we will begin a new module -- "Language, Gender, and Culture."   This time you will receive the pages of the module.  We will get started on it right away!

NOTE:  Return your copies of 1984 to the library.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Good Morning!

Essay Assignment on 1984 --  Today you will be doing a quickwrite on the novel 1984.  I am interested in your strongest reactions to this novel, the mood, feelings, and general ideas that this novel evokes.  Without consideration for logical development, compose a response to 1984.  This is a quickwrite.  I am providing a handout for this, and you will write until you get to the last line.

I will return the tests tomorrow, but if you want to see how you did I can show you.

Friday, April 8, 2016

1984 Test

Good Morning!

* NOTE: I will be collecting the responses to 1984 today.   The total number is 77.  I will expect to see neatly recorded and organized responses. Please have them labeled by PART and CHAPTER.  I have modeled this right along, so you have a good idea of the length involved.  You will also turn in the vocabulary that you recorded and defined.  There should be no less than 30 words.  You have been given this week to finish the novel and responses.  Please do not have some excuse for not turning the work in tomorrow.  I might not accept the excuse. The work is due today.  

NOTE: If you have your phone out,it will be confiscated.  Put your phone out of sight.

*TEST on 1984

NOTE:  Next week you will work on a written response to the novel.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Good Morning!

* NOTE: I will be collecting the responses to 1984 tomorrow.  The total number is 77.  I will expect to see neatly recorded and organized responses. Please have them labeled by PART and CHAPTER.  I have modeled this right along, so you have a good idea of the length involved.  You will also turn in the vocabulary that you recorded and defined.  There should be no less than 30 words.  You have been given this week to finish the novel and responses.  Please do not have some excuse for not turning the work in tomorrow.  I might not accept the excuse. The work is due tomorrow.   

NOTE: If you have your phone out,it will be confiscated.  Put your phone out of sight.

* There will be a test on 1984  tomorrow.  It will be an objective, multiple choice test and fill-in the blank.

* Afterword to 1984

HOMEWORK:  Complete assignments on 1984

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Good Morning!

* NOTE: I will be collecting the responses to 1984 on Friday.  The total number is 77.  I will expect to see neatly recorded and organized responses.  I have modeled this right along, so you have a good idea of the length involved.  You will also turn in the vocabulary that you recorded and defined.  There should be no less than 30 words.  Please focus on finishing this novel this week. I will be giving you class time for this, so please take advantage of it.  I will insist on that.  It is not a time for socializing.  If you have your phone out, I will not so nicely confiscate it.

* There will be a test on 1984 on Friday.  It will be an objective, multiple choice test.

HOMEWORK:  Complete assignments on 1984

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Good Morning!

* You read Part Three of 1984 over spring break.  Using the packet of response pages, answer questions to Part Three (handout).  You also have recorded three parts that caught your attention for each chapter in Part Three.  I will be collecting these responses on Friday.  I also will collect the vocabulary that you have been recording. Please focus on finishing this novel this week. I will be giving you class time for this, so please take advantage of it.  I will insist on that.

* There will be a test on 1984 on Thursday.  It will be an objective, multiple choice test.

HOMEWORK:  Complete assignments on 1984

Monday, April 4, 2016


Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great spring break!

* You read Part Three of 1984 over spring break.  Using the packet of response pages, answer questions to Part Three (handout).  You also have recorded three parts that caught your attention for each chapter in Part Three.  I will be collecting these responses on Friday.  I also will collect the vocabulary that you have been recording. Please focus on finishing this novel this week.

* There will be a test on 1984 on Thursday.  It will be an objective, multiple choice test.

HOMEWORK:  Complete assignments on 1984