Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Afternoon!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   We will read Chapter 10 together today. 

 HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 and 5 questions.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Afternoon!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   We will read Chapter 9 together today.  It was assigned for you to read, but I gather that many of you are behind with the reading, and there is really not much to discuss if you have not done the reading -- it's a monologue for me.  You still are to complete the questions for Chapter 9, and I will collect at the end of the period.

 HOMEWORK:  Catch up with the reading!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   We will read Chapter 9 together today.  It was assigned for you to read, but I gather that many of you are behind with the reading, and there is really not much to discuss if you have not done the reading -- it's a monologue for me.  You still are to complete the questions for Chapter 9, and I will collect at the end of the period.

HOMEWORK:  Catch up with the reading!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
"McCandless's contrived asceticism and a pseudoliterary stance compound 
rather than reduce the fault . . . "  (Into the Wild)

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   Discussion of Chapter 8.   Please contribute your questions.

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 9 and 5 questions.  

Monday, May 23, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Your cell phone will be confiscated and brought to the office if it is used during class. Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   Discussion of Chapter 8.   Please contribute your questions.

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 9 and 5 questions.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
"It is true that many creative people fail to make mature personal relationships, and some are extremely isolated. "  Anthony Storr 

Into the Wild --   Discussion of Chapter 7.   Please contribute your questions.

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 8 and 5 questions.  

NOTE:  I am no longer accepting the rhetorical precis   
             assignment.  It was due on May 9th. Today is May 20th.
             Please keep up with the Into the Wild assignments.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue.  It's not cool to not know what you're talking about. That's not keeping it real or telling it like it is.  It's not challenging political correctness . . .  that's just not knowing what you're talking about.  (President Obama)

Into the Wild -- Today, I am going to give you some time to catch up on the reading -- or to go ahead if you wish.

You were assigned Chapter 7 for homework and you have written 5 questions. 

HOMEWORK:  You have read through Chapter 7 and have completed all assignments.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
"The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning and evening.  It is a little star-dust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched."
                                                                                                     -- Thoreau 
Chapter 6 -- You have read this chapter and have recorded 5 questions.  Please share these questions in class.  Please stay up with the reading.
HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 7 and write 5 questions  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
"London's fervent condemnation of capitalist society, his glorification of the primordial world, his championing of the great unwashed -- all of it mirrored McCandless's passions" (44).

1.  Into the Wild -- You have read Chapter 5 and have written 5 questions.  Please be prepared to share your questions.  

2.  Chapter 6 --  Begin in class.  
Homework:  Finish Chapter 6 and questions (new handout)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
"The desert sharpened the sweet ache of his longing, amplified it, gave shape to it in sere geology and clean slant of light " (32).

1.  Into the Wild -- You have read Chapter 4 and have written 5 questions.  Please be prepared to share your questions.  

2.  Chapter 5 -- Record questions on the back of handout for Ch. 4.

Homework:  Finish Chapter 5 and questions

Friday, May 13, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
"I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life."  
Leo Tolstoy

1.  Into the Wild -- You have read Chapter 3 and have written 5 questions.  Please be prepared to share your questions.  I will collect the handout today.

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 4 of Into the Wild and write 5 questions and answers.  I will give you a new sheet.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterways ..... A vast silence reigned over the land.  The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness.    -- Jack London

1. A glance at a few student examples of the rhetorical precis assignment. I will NOT accept any after tomorrow. You have had a grace period of a week.

2.  Into the Wild -- We read Chapter One in class yesterday, and you read Chapter Two on your own.  You have completed 5 questions on the Dialectical Journal form.  

3.  Chapter 3 --  At the top, write Ch. 3 on back of the form for Ch. 1&2.  Write 5 questions with answers for Chapter 3. 
NOTE:  Stay up with the reading and assignments! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Into The Wild

Good Afternoon
1.  Into The Wild -- You have completed Activity #1 in class and Activity #5 for homework.  I will collect after discussion.
2.  Dialectical Journal Assignment -- Instead of recording 5 parts that caught your attention, write 5 QUESTIONS in the left column and the ANSWERS in the right column. 

 Assignment: Chapters 1 & 2.  SKIP A LINE between each. Write down the chapter numbers in the space provided.  You will be provided with this sheet for all the chapters.  We will read Chapter One in class today.  Read Chapter Two on your own.

Homework: Chapter Two and questions

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Into The Wild

Good Morning!
1.  Into The Wild -- Yesterday you completed Activity #1 in class and Activity #5 for homework.  I will collect.
2.  Dialectical Journal Assignment -- Instead of recording 5 parts that caught your attention, write 5 QUESTIONS in the left column and the ANSWERS in the right column.  Assignment: Chapters 1 & 2.  Skip a line between each. Write down the chapter numbers in the space provided.
NOTE:  Keep up with the reading. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend.
 1. Textbook window to check out Into the Wild
2.  *Rhetorical Precis (4) due -- your name should be on first
       page.  Staple together.
     * Response Journal to Language, Gender, and Culture module. 
3.  Activity #1 to Into the Wild  -- if you do not finish in class. finish for homework.  Also, complete Activity #5 for homework (questions on the author's note). (HANDOUT)
HOMEWORK:  Activity #1 & #5 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Rhetorical Precis

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

NOTE:  We check out Into The Wild on Monday.  Be sure to have 
              your ID.

*Today you are working on writing a rhetorical precis for two of the texts that we have read and two texts that YOU HAVE CHOSEN that have a theme of language, gender, and culture.  I gave you a student sample of what your chosen precis would be like and the type of text that you might locate.  

*Use your cell phone or netbook locate a text and/or work on composing your precis in Google docs.  For this assignment you will print out your work  vs. sharing it with me in Google docs.  I will collect your work on Monday.  It is your responsibility to print out the work.  See me if there is a problem with that.

HOMEWORK:  Rhetorical Precis on four texts. Turn in a hard 
                          copy on Monday.  I will ALSO collect your 
                          response journal.  You have completed the
                          activities posted on the board.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Rhetorical Precis

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

NOTE:  We check out Into The Wild on Monday.  Be sure to have 
              your ID.

*Today and tomorrow you are working on writing a rhetorical precis for two of the texts that we have read and two texts that YOU HAVE CHOSEN that have a theme of language, gender, and culture.  I gave you a student sample of what your chosen precis would be like and the type of text that you might locate.  

*Use your cell phone or netbook locate a text and/or work on composing your precis in Google docs.  For this assignment you will print out your work  vs. sharing it with me in Google docs.  I will collect your work on Monday.  It is your responsibility to print out the work.  See me if there is a problem with that.

HOMEWORK:  Rhetorical Precis on four texts.  Due Friday,
                          May 6. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rhetorical Precis

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

NOTE:  We check out Into The Wild on Monday.  Be sure to have 
              your ID.

*Today, tomorrow, and Friday you are working on writing a rhetorical precis for two of the texts that we have read and two texts that YOU HAVE CHOSEN that have a theme of language, gender, and culture.  Yesterday I gave you a student sample of what your chosen precis would be like and the type of text that you might locate.  

*Use your cell phone or netbook locate a text and/or work on composing your precis in Google docs.  For this assignment you will print out your work  vs. sharing it with me in Google docs.

HOMEWORK:  Rhetorical Precis on four texts.  Due Friday,
                          May 6. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Rhetorical Precis

Good Morning!
1. Yesterday, you finished reading and annotating the Audre Lorde text -- "The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action."
We will discuss this briefly.   
2.  Rhetorical Precis -- yesterday you received this handout which explains an assignment that you will complete for this module.  Today, I am giving you an example of a text for which you will be searching and of which you will be writing a rhetorical.