Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Letter of Introduction

Good Morning!
I hope this week is going smoothly for you and that you are glad to be back to the business of learning!

1. Student Interview -- please finish this up today.  We will not share these interviews with the class.  My objective was to get you to consider the questions and to discuss your responses with another student.  You will see the relevance when we begin the first module which is about your plans for next year.  I will collect the handout today.

2. Letter of Expectations:  Write a letter to yourself which includes an inside address, a salutation, body paragraphs, a closing (Sincerely), and your signature.  

FIRST PARA:       Describe your history here at Point Loma.  What
                              has it been like for you as a student here?
SECOND PARA:  What have been your successes or areas 
                               you might have improved.
THIRD PARA:       What are your academic goals for this year?
                                Describe how you plan to make this a
                                successful final year.  What will you need to 
FOURTH PARA:    Some final reflection on your thoughts as you
                                begin this final year of high school. 
Image result for inside address in letter writing           

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Textbook Checkout

Good Morning!
I hope the first day of school went smoothly for you and that you are glad to be back to the business of learning!

1.  Library to check out textbooks -- be sure to have your schedule and ID with you.

2.  You may drop your books at your locker but promptly return to class.

3.  "The Sun Goes Down on Summer"  -- you have completed your response to this poem, and I am ready to collect it.  Be sure to have your name, period, and date in the upper right corner.

4. Activity for today: You will interview a fellow student in this class (handout) 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome Back to School!

I hope that you had an awesome summer vacation and are ready to get back to the wonderful business of learning!

1.  INTRODUCTION:  Ms. Baltrushes or Ms. B

2.  ATTENDANCE:  I do have a seating chart ready which is arranged alphabetically.

3.  GETTING ACQUAINTED ACTIVITY--  Think of one word that describes something that you did over the summer and arrange yourselves alphabetically around the classroom with the first letter of this word. You will be telling the class about your word.

4.  Poem: "The Sun Goes Down on Summer"
                 1. First, quietly read the poem.
                 2. Identify the parts that you found especially meaningful, true, or
                      appropriately expressive or descriptive.
                 3. Identify and explain the imagery used.  (2 examples)
                 4. What line clearly suggests apprehension about the start of school?
                 5. What are the speaker's worries?
                 6. Explain the poem's theme which becomes clear in the second 
                     half of the poem.
                 7. What are your thoughts on the poem's theme?  Do you connect to
                      this theme? 

TEXTBOOK CHECKOUT tomorrow.  Be sure to have your schedule.