Monday, November 17, 2014

Module #3

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!

*Note:  Book reviews are due no later than midnight tonight.  They must have a time stamp of November 17th or an earlier date.

*Article of the Week #11 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

* Essay on animal rights was to be completed on Friday.  I indicated that if it was not completed by then, you must complete it over the weekend.  Today, I am printing out essays that are complete and grading the others accordingly.

*NOTE:  I would like to check your Writer's Journal this week.  Please have it available each day (as you are supposed to).

*MODULE #3 -- the next module focuses on a single essay that concerns racial profiling.  To get started please respond to the following question in your Writer's Journal:  What do you know about racial profiling.  What do you think about it?

HOMEWORK:  AOW #11 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

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