Friday, March 27, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

*NOTE:  For Spring Break please do two things.  1. Read your independent reading book so you will be ready to write a review 2. Have an enjoyable Spring Break.

*Into The Wild  -- We will finish discussing Chapter 11 and start chapter 12.  We will resume where we leave off today after break and then wrap it up.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!
*Note -- Please be reading an independent reading book in addition to Into The Wild.  A book review will be due at the end of the grading period.
*Into The Wild -- Chapter 10 and your 5 responses.  This was a very short chapter.  Today we will read Chapter 11 in class.
Homework:  Chapter 12 and 5 responses.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
*Independent Reading -- As we are reading Into The Wild, I am expecting that you are also doing independent reading.  A book review will be due at the end of the grading period.
*Into The Wild -- You read Chapter 9 for homework and responded 5 times.  Today each of you will talk about this chapter a minimum of two times for required credit.  I will not call on you.  You will volunteer to speak.  We will use the microphone so everyone can hear.  I indicated yesterday that we would be doing this.

HOMEWORK:   Chapter 10 of Into The Wild  and 5 responses

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Into The Wild -- You read Chapter Eight and responded 5 times.  You ALSO defined and recorded unfamiliar words.  QUESTION: Do you see a common theme in Chapter 8?

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 9 and respond 5 times. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Independent Reading -- please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Into The Wild -- You read Chapter 7 for homework and responded 5 times on the dialectical journal form.  Please be ready to share your responses.  
HOMEWORK:  Chapter 8 of Into The Wild and dialectical journal responses. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Into The Wild -- You read Chapter 6 and responded to 5 parts that caught your attention.  You are also recording and defining vocabulary words as you go along on the handout that I gave you.

*Response to the reading -- On the back of the dialectical response form, write a paragraph about your feelings of what we have read so far.  For example, do you find the reading easy to follow?  Are you enjoying the writer's use of description?  Do you have questions about what you are reading?  

Homework:  Read Chapter 7 and respond 5 times.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Into The Wild -- You read Chapter 5 and responded to 5 parts that caught your attention.  You are also recording and defining vocabulary words as you go along on the handout that I gave you.

*Response to the reading -- On the back of the dialectical response form, write a paragraph about your feelings of what we have read so far.  For example, do you find the reading easy to follow?  Are you enjoying the writer's use of description?  Do you have questions about what you are reading?  

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 6 and 5 responses.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!
*Independent Reading -- Please read quietly until we are ready to begin
*Into The Wild -- You have completed responses to Chapters 3 and 4.  Please share what caught your attention as we discuss these two chapters.
HOMEWORK:  Chapter 5 and 5 responses. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Into The Wild -- Ch. 1-2

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please have your cell phones completely out of sight until you leave this class at the end of the period.  

*NOTE:  You have selected your independent reading book for this second grading period and you have it with you each day.  There will be an assignment from your independent reading on Monday.

*Into The Wild  -- the author's note introduces some themes of the book ("the grip wilderness has on the American imagination, the allure high-risk activities hold for men of a certain mind, the complicated, highly charged bond that exists between father and sons.")  We will be considering the following four questions as we read the text:
  *Should we admire McCandless for his courage and noble ideas?
  *Was he a reckless idiot?
  *Was he crazy?
  *Was he an arrogant and stupid narcissist?

*Discussion of Chapters 1-2 which you have responded to.

*Vocabulary -- record and define words as you read.  I have started the list for you. Record the page number. 

HOMEWORK: Have your independent reading book on Monday.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please have your cell phones completely out of sight until you leave this class at the end of the period.  

*NOTE:  You have selected your independent reading book for this second grading period and you have it with you each day.  

*Proposals -- Yesterday you turned in a hard copy of your proposal.  I would like to take a little bit of time to share a few.

*Into The Wild -- you were assigned to read the first two chapters and to complete the assignment (handout).

HOMEWORK:  Chapters 1-2 of Into The Wild and 5 responses.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please have your cell phones completely out of sight until you leave this class at the end of the period.  

*Library to check out Into The Wild

*Proposal -- today print out your Proposal.  Proofread one final time before doing so. Have a partner proofread your proposal before printing it out.  If you have printed it out already, I am sure that you carefully proofread your writing before doing so.

HOMEWORK;  Read Chapters One and Two and complete the dialectical responses.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.
*Independent Reading -- You have selected your book for the second grading period, and you should have it with you each day even if we do not begin class with reading.
*Proposal -- You should have your essay fully completed.  Tomorrow I want a hard copy of the essay.
*NOTE:  tomorrow we are checking out from the library Into The Wild.  Be sure to have your ID.

HOMEWORK:  Carefully proofread your proposalYou should have a minimum of 500 words.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!
 Please get your netbook when you arrive. 

*Independent Reading -- Today is the first day of the second grading period.  You should have your independent reading book selected and with you today.

*Proposal -- I see that several of you are just about done with this writing assignment and have done a good job!  For those of you who have a ways to go, please work towards having your draft fully completed by tomorrow.  

Homework:  Complete draft of writing assignment.  Tomorrow we will edit and revise.  Wednesday you will turn in a hard copy.  

Friday, March 6, 2015


Good Morning!
Get your netbook when you arrive

 *Note:  Please start making your independent reading selection for the second grading period.

 *Proposal -- The following are guidelines for organizing your proposal:

1. Introduction:  Explain the issue.  Refer to the texts that we read to provide some background information to the issue. Conclude your introductory paragraph with a statement of your proposal concerning encouraging healthier eating at our school.
2.Describe the issue more specifically.  Include an explanation of causes that contribute most significantly to the problem.  How does it potentially affect students at our school?  What data confirms the importance of the problem?
3.  Propose the best solution to the problem (your proposal).  What different solutions have others proposed?  Why do you think your solution is the most practical and the best? 

(REFER to Activity #18)

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading selection and Proposal.  Proposal writing assignment is due on Tuesday.  It should be a minimum of 500 words.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Good Morning!
Get your netbook when you arrive

 *Note:  Please start making your independent reading selection for the second grading period.

 *Proposal -- I asked for you to get started on the introduction for homework.  The following are guidelines for organizing your proposal.

1. Introduction:  Explain the issue.  Refer to the texts that we read to provide some background information to the issue. Conclude your introductory paragraph with a statement of your proposal concerning encouraging healthier eating at our school.
2.Describe the issue more specifically.  Include an explanation of causes that contribute most significantly to the problem.  How does it potentially affect students at our school?  What data confirms the importance of the problem?
3.  Propose the best solution to the problem (your proposal).  What different solutions have others proposed?  Why do you think your solution is the most practical and the best? 

(REFER to Activity #18)

Create a new document in Google docs and name it Period 2 Proposal.  Share it with me (

Homework:  Drafting your proposal

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Good Morning!

*Note:  Please start making your independent reading selection for the second grading period.

*Writer's Journal -- Today I want to take a look at your Writer's Journal.  You should have ten entries (Activity #17 from yesterday might not be fully complete).

*Yesterday you started to consider what stance you would take on a proposal to address healthier eating at our school.  The questions in Activity #17 are areas to consider.  Also, consider what we have read on the topic with three different texts.  Today, I would like you to do a little bit more exploring on the topic.  You might begin by going to the following site:

*Childhood Obesity

*For homework begin drafting your proposal as follows:

1. Introduction:  Explain the issue.  Refer to the texts that we read to provide some background information to the issue. Conclude your introductory paragraph with a statement of your proposal concerning encouraging healthier eating at our school.
2.Describe the issue more specifically.  Include an explanation of causes that contribute most significantly to the problem.  How does it potentially affect students at our school?  What data confirms the importance of the problem?
3.  Propose the best solution to the problem (your proposal).  What different solutions have others proposed?  Why do you think your solution is the most practical and the best? 

(REFER to Activity #18)

HOMEWORK:  Drafting your proposal

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Good Food/Bad Food

Good Morning!

*Note:  Please start making your independent reading selection for the second grading period.

*Writer's Journal -- tomorrow I want to take a look at your journal.  After today, you will have ten entries.

*What are some of the facts that you recorded yesterday in your WRITER'S JOURNAL?

*Survey completed?

*Activity # 17 -- Respond to this activity in your WRITER'S JOURNAL

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading selection

Monday, March 2, 2015

Good Food/Bad Food

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!
*NOTE:  Book reviews are due by midnight tonight. 

*Survey -- I have put together some of the questions that you contributed.  Have ten students respond to the survey.  Use the same copy of questions to record their yes/no responses.

*Activity #16 -- Considering the writing task

*Please go to the following link and read more about the obesity problem.  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL record ten points that were made in the article.  Obesity Epidemic

NOTE:  You have the option of locating another informative article on this topic and taking notes on ten points (in your WRITER'S JOURNAL).

HOMEWORK:  Start looking for your next independent reading book for the second grading period.