Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Good Morning!

*Note:  Please start making your independent reading selection for the second grading period.

*Writer's Journal -- Today I want to take a look at your Writer's Journal.  You should have ten entries (Activity #17 from yesterday might not be fully complete).

*Yesterday you started to consider what stance you would take on a proposal to address healthier eating at our school.  The questions in Activity #17 are areas to consider.  Also, consider what we have read on the topic with three different texts.  Today, I would like you to do a little bit more exploring on the topic.  You might begin by going to the following site:

*Childhood Obesity

*For homework begin drafting your proposal as follows:

1. Introduction:  Explain the issue.  Refer to the texts that we read to provide some background information to the issue. Conclude your introductory paragraph with a statement of your proposal concerning encouraging healthier eating at our school.
2.Describe the issue more specifically.  Include an explanation of causes that contribute most significantly to the problem.  How does it potentially affect students at our school?  What data confirms the importance of the problem?
3.  Propose the best solution to the problem (your proposal).  What different solutions have others proposed?  Why do you think your solution is the most practical and the best? 

(REFER to Activity #18)

HOMEWORK:  Drafting your proposal

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