Thursday, June 16, 2016

Final Test on Into the Wild

Good Morning!
Seniors, happy LAST day for you!  You have been awesome, and it has been an honor for me to have you as students!  You are the future!
Get started on the final test on Into the Wild right away.  I hope you have enjoyed this book and have gained  as much insight from reading it as I have. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Textbook Return

Good Morning!
Once he became head of state by legal means, Hitler consolidated his power by neutralizing all political opponents and democratic institutions. As dictator, he began a campaign of terror to rid Germany of Jewish influence. The Nuremberg Laws negated civil liberties for Germany’s Jews, many of whom fled to safer lands.
By making the trumped-up Communist threat “official,” Hitler threw millions of Germans into panic. Arbitrary arrests multiplied while truckloads of Stormtroopers rampaged through the streets, broke into homes, rounded up victims, including many Jews, and took them to the S.A. barracks where they were beaten and tortured. The Nazis received 44 percent of the vote in the March elections.

Textbook Return at 10:00

ALL assignments were due and collected yesterday.

NOTE:  Test tomorrow on Into the Wild.  Do not be absent! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE: Textbook return tomorrow (books for all your classes).

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   ALL assignments are due by TODAY.  Be sure to also turn in the vocabulary that you have recorded.

NOTE:   Test on Into the Wild on Thursday. There will be 50 multiple choice questions.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE: Textbook return Wednesday (books for all your classes).

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   ALL assignments are due by TOMORROW.  Be sure to also turn in the vocabulary that you have recorded.

NOTE:   Test on Into the Wild on Thursday. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE: Textbook return next Wednesday (books for all your classes).

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --  Review of Chapter 16 -- YOUR QUESTIONS.
You have read Chapter 16 for homework and have completed 5 questions. I will collect this today.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 17 and 5 questions.  We will finish this book by Tuesday of next week.  On Thursday, June 16th there will be a FINAL TEST on Into the Wild. Originally, I indicated an on-demand writing response.  Instead, it will be an objective multiple choice test.

NOTE:  ALL assignments are due by TUESDAY.  Be sure to turn in the vocabulary that you have recorded. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE: Textbook return next Wednesday (books for all your classes).

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --  Review of Chapter 15 -- YOUR QUESTIONS.
You have read Chapter 15 for homework and have completed 5 questions. I will collect this today.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 16 and 5 questions.  We will finish this book by Tuesday of next week.  On Thursday, June 16th there will be a FINAL TEST on Into the Wild. Originally, I indicated an on-demand writing response.  Instead, it will be an objective multiple choice test.

Chapter 17: weekend homework
Chapter 18 Monday's homework

NOTE:  ALL assignments are due by TUESDAY.  Be sure to turn in the vocabulary that you have recorded.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE: Textbook return next Wednesday (books for all your classes).

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --  Review of Chapter 14 -- YOUR QUESTIONS.
You have read Chapter 14 for homework and have completed 5 questions. I will collect this today.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 15 and 5 questions.  We will finish this book by the end of the week and see the movie next week.  On Thursday, June 16th there will be a FINAL on demand writing assignment.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Into The Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE: Textbook return next Wednesday (books for all your classes).

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --  Review of Chapter 14 -- YOUR QUESTIONS.
You have read Chapter 14 for homework and have completed 5 questions. I will collect this today.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 15 and 5 questions.  We will finish this book by the end of the week and see the movie next week.  On Thursday, June 16th there will be a FINAL on demand writing assignment.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --  Review of Chapter 13-- YOUR QUESTIONS.
You have read Chapter 13 for homework and have completed 5 questions. I will collect this today.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 14 and 5 questions.  We will finish this book by the end of the week and see the movie next week.  On Thursday, June 16th there will be a FINAL on demand writing assignment.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --  Review of Chapter 12-- YOUR QUESTIONS.
You have read Chapter 12 for homework and have completed 5 questions.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 13 and 5 questions. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   We have read Chapter 11 for homework and have completed 5 questions.  I will collect those today.Use my sheets that I am providing.  Each sheet should have two chapters -- front and back.

 HOMEWORK: Chapter 12 and 5 questions.

NOTE:  The rhetorical precis assignment  and the language, gender, and culture activity response journal were due on May 9th. I will not accept this work if you attempt to turn it in at this point. I will also not be accepting previous chapters on Into the Wild.  Turn your work in, in a timely manner!

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 12 and 5 questions.  Be sure to be recording and defining unfamiliar words which will be due when we finish the book.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Afternoon!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   We will read Chapter 10 together today and you will complete the assignment.

 HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 and 5 questions.

NOTE:  The rhetorical precis assignment  and the language, gender, and culture activity response journal were due on May 9th. I will not accept this work if you attempt to turn it in at this point.