Thursday, June 2, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please put your cell phone away and out of sight during class, unless otherwise indicated.  Dedicate yourself to sharpening your critical thinking skills and literacy.  You are the future.

Into the Wild --   We have read Chapter 11 for homework and have completed 5 questions.  I will collect those today.Use my sheets that I am providing.  Each sheet should have two chapters -- front and back.

 HOMEWORK: Chapter 12 and 5 questions.

NOTE:  The rhetorical precis assignment  and the language, gender, and culture activity response journal were due on May 9th. I will not accept this work if you attempt to turn it in at this point. I will also not be accepting previous chapters on Into the Wild.  Turn your work in, in a timely manner!

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 12 and 5 questions.  Be sure to be recording and defining unfamiliar words which will be due when we finish the book.

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