Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"What Is A Life Worth?"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

Image result for statue of liberty images

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,  
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:  
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 
                                                               Emma Lazarus 

"What Is A Life Worth?"  -- As we read this text together, I will pause at points for you to write a reflection in the margin. As we read the article, take note of the connections to the idea of valuing life and to what was previously said about valuing life by Shakespeare and Ebert.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Value of Life

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

Image result for statue of liberty images

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,  
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:  
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 
                                                               Emma Lazarus 

1.  New Seating Chart
2.  Paper Return
3. End of Hamlet

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Good Morning!

Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking 

NOTE:  I am not accepting late assignments.  The exception to this is the book review and writer's journal.


"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go."

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Good Morning!

Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking 

NOTE:  I am not accepting late assignments.  The exception to this is the book review and writer's journal.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Good Morning!

Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

Book Reviews are due today.  I will collect them at the beginning of the period. 

We will begin watching Hamlet today and finish on finals day.  The play is relevant to the "Value of Life" module that we will finish into second semester.

NOTE:  If you have not turned in your WRITER'S JOURNAL, please do so today!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Book Review

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a good weekend!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

1. Book Review -- today I will give you time in class to complete your book review for this grading period.  You will receive the handout today. It is due tomorrow.

2.  WRITER'S JOURNAL -- I will collect your journal today as announced several times last week.  The last assignment was completed on Friday which was questions on "Robert Ebert: The Essential Man" (Activity #22, questions 5-9).  You finished reading and annotating this text on Friday. I should see annotation beside each paragraph.

Roger Ebert TedTalk

HOMEWORK:  Book reviews are due tomorrow.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.  Book Reviews will be due on Tuesday, January 24th.

NOTE:  Please keep up with journal assignments as it will be a significant part of your grade for this grading period.  The assignments are recorded on the side board. I will collect your journals on Monday, January 23rd.

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" -- Please finish reading the text independently.  Be sure to annotate each paragraph with your thoughts. Be thorough.  THINK.

Roger Ebert TedTalk

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.  Book Reviews will be due on Tuesday, January 24th.

NOTE:  Please keep up with journal assignments as it will be a significant part of your grade for this grading period.  The assignments are recorded on the side board. I will collect your journals on Monday, January 23rd.

2.  Reading the Text -- Be attentive to the way Ebert talks about the value of life.  Mark the places that describe what Ebert thinks it means to be alive.  Write a reflection beside each section as we read together.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.  Book Reviews will be due on Tuesday, January 24th.

NOTE:  Please keep up with journal assignments as it will be a significant part of your grade for this grading period.  The assignments are recorded on the side board. I will collect your journals on Monday, January 23rd.

2.  Text -- "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"
     Activity #14 -- Surveying the text
     Background information on Roger Ebert

3.  Activity #15 -- Please respond to both questions. 

4.  Activity #16 -- Vocabulary Review

5.  Reading the Text -- Be attentive to the way Ebert talks about the value of life.  Mark the places that describe what Ebert thinks it means to be alive.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Friday, January 13, 2017

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

NOTE: (Please keep up with journal assignments as it will be a significant part of your grade for this grading period.  The assignments are recorded on the side board.)

2.  Yesterday we did this:Activity #11 --  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL write a summary of Hamlet's soliloquy:
          What is the big issue in Hamlet's soliloquy?
          What claim or argument about the value of life does
          Hamlet make?
          What do you think about Hamlet's claim?
          What prevents Hamlet from taking action?

3. Stephen's Story
Homework:  Independent Reading

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone.  

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life"  -- Yesterday, I led you through Hamlet's soliloquy, explaining each part and emphasizing the parts that express Hamlet's view of life.  You followed along by annotating your copy which you will keep until after you have written the final essay for this module.

3. Activity #10 -- Yesterday you also recorded and explained in your WRITER'S JOURNAL three figures of speech (metaphors) from the soliloquy.  (Please keep up with journal assignments as it will be a significant part of your grade for this grading period.  The assignments are recorded on the side board.)

4.  Activity #11 -- Summarizing.  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL write a summary of Hamlet's soliloquy:
          What is the big issue in Hamlet's soliloquy?
          What claim or argument about the value of life does
          Hamlet make?
          What do you think about Hamlet's claim?
          What prevents Hamlet from taking action?
Homework:  Independent Reading

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hamlet's Solioquy

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone.  

NOTE:  Financial aid presentation tonight @ 6:00pm in the PAC.

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life"  -- Yesterday, we discussed Hamlet's soliloquy with the questions that you wrote.  I will collect those completed questions today.

3. Reading of Hamlet's soliloquy, noting places in the text where Hamlet describes what it means to be alive or his attitude towards life.

4. Activity #10 -- In your WRITER'S JOURNAL, record three figures of speech from the soliloquy which would be metaphors.  Record the metaphor and explain its meaning.

Homework:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life"  -- Yesterday you carefully read Hamlet's soliloquy and formulated four questions to generate discussion.  Today, your questions will guide our discussion.  I will collect your questions following discussion.

3. Reviewing Activity #5

4. Reading of Hamlet's soliloquy, noting places in the text where Hamlet describes what it means to be alive. 

From Mr. Chavez in the Counseling Office:

Happy New Year!
Please remind your 12th grade classes about our PLHS Financial Aid Night this Wednesday at 6PM. We will have a CAL-SOAP representative explain the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application to our students and parents.
PLHS Financial Aid Night
Wednesday, January 11,2017
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Homework:  Independent Reading

Monday, January 9, 2017

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a good weekend!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life"  -- Today, we read the first text which is Hamlet's Soliloquy. You will do the first reading on your own, reading carefully for meaning.  You will then write four questions on the soliloquy to generate discussion and your involvement in that discussion.

Homework:  Independent Reading

Friday, January 6, 2017

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life"  -- yesterday you completed Activity #1 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.  Today, we read the first text which is Hamlet's Soliloquy.  To begin, please respond to Activity #3.  Following discussion, we will then respond to Activity #4. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Module #4; "The Value of Life"

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life" (handout of module)
    Respond to Activity #1 in your WRITER's JOURNAL

3.  Activity #3:  Surveying the text (handout of "Hamlet's Soliloquy").  Answer question #1 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.

4.  Activity #4:  Respond to all questions in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.

Homework:  Independent Reading

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Controversial Issue Essays

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

2.  Your essays on a controversial issue -- I would like to share your essays, anonymously, as I should not be the only audience for what you have argued on a controversial issue.

3.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life" (handout of module)
    Respond to Activity #1 in your WRITER's JOURNAL

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"On the Pulse of Morning"

Good Morning!
Welcome back and Happy New Year!  I hope your vacation was enjoyable and relaxing with family and friends!

Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

 "On the Pulse of Morning" by Maya Angelou

Today:  To ease back into our return to school and to observe the beginning of a new year, we will read a poem that impresses upon us the need for peace in our world.  Now more than ever this poem speaks to us.