Friday, January 13, 2017

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!
Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
                                                                                                                 -- Stephen Hawking

1.  Independent Reading -- Let's resume reading at the beginning of class.

NOTE: (Please keep up with journal assignments as it will be a significant part of your grade for this grading period.  The assignments are recorded on the side board.)

2.  Yesterday we did this:Activity #11 --  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL write a summary of Hamlet's soliloquy:
          What is the big issue in Hamlet's soliloquy?
          What claim or argument about the value of life does
          Hamlet make?
          What do you think about Hamlet's claim?
          What prevents Hamlet from taking action?

3. Stephen's Story
Homework:  Independent Reading

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