Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Textbook Return

Good Morning!
Once he became head of state by legal means, Hitler consolidated his power by neutralizing all political opponents and democratic institutions. As dictator, he began a campaign of terror to rid Germany of Jewish influence. The Nuremberg Laws negated civil liberties for Germany’s Jews, many of whom fled to safer lands.
By making the trumped-up Communist threat “official,” Hitler threw millions of Germans into panic. Arbitrary arrests multiplied while truckloads of Stormtroopers rampaged through the streets, broke into homes, rounded up victims, including many Jews, and took them to the S.A. barracks where they were beaten and tortured. The Nazis received 44 percent of the vote in the March elections.

Textbook Return at 10:00

ALL assignments were due and collected yesterday.

NOTE:  Test tomorrow on Into the Wild.  Do not be absent! 

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