Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. Activity #8 -- Yesterday you responded to this activity with writing a page in your Writer's Journal about a time when you overcame failure.

3.Activity #9

Quotations about intellectuals:
     "The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice."  Bertrand Russell

    "An intellectual is a person who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows."  Dwight D. Eisenhower

    "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself."  
                                                                              Albert Camus

4.  "Hidden Intellectualism" -- Annotate your copy as the article is read and discussed.  I will pause at intervals.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

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