Friday, October 31, 2014

"Hooked on a Myth"

Good Morning!
 Happy Halloween
*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin  Book reviews are due November 17.

*Article of the Week #8 is due --  annotation and written response.

*Using the summary template, write a summary of "Hooked on a Myth."  On the back of the template answer the following question:  Why does Victoria Braithwaite think that we should treat fish more like the way we treat other animals, such as birds and mammals?

HOMEWORK :  Independent reading   

Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Hooked on a Myth"

Good Morning!
Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*Let's finish our discussion of "Letters to the editor in response to 'A Change of Heart about Animals.'"

*"Hooked on a Myth" -- Briefly survey the text and make a prediction of the article based on the subtitle.  Refer to the questions in Activity #17.  We will discuss these questions together.  As we read the article think of how it challenges your previous interpretation of fish behavior.
*Activity #20 -- Using the summary template, write a summary of this article.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #8

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"A Change of Heart About Animals"

Good Morning!
 *Please quietly read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin

*"A Change of Heart About Animals"  -- before we leave this article I would like you to practice writing a summary of the article by following the format of the template I provide.
*"Letters to the editor in response to "A Change of Heart about Animals" -- this is on p. 61 in your packet.  Read each letter and select the one that you agree with the most.  In your Writer's Journal respond to the one you chose. Explain why you agree. 

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #8


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"A Change of Heart About Animals"

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin. 

*Text -- "A Change of Heart About Animals"
               Yesterday we read this text a second time and noted
                for each paragraph what the writer says and does 
                (content and purpose).  For Activity #10, respond to 
                the second set of questions (1-3).  Complete Activity
                #11 & #12.  Respond in your Writer's Journal.
HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #8

Monday, October 27, 2014

"A Change of Heart About Animals"

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin. 

*Article of the Week #8 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

*Text -- "A Change of Heart About Animals"
              Friday you completed Activity #4 & 5 in your Writer's 
             Journal.  Today we will read the text and complete Activity

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #8

Friday, October 24, 2014

Module #2, Activities #4 & #5

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin. 

*Article of the Week #7 -- annotation and written response is due.

*Text -- "A Change of Heart About Animals"
              Before we begin reading this text, complete Activity #4 &
              5 in your Writer's Journal. Your meaningful responses will
              help your rhetorical reading of the text which means that
              you will grasp not only what the writer says but how he
              says it.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Module #2, Activity #3

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin. 

*Module #2 Packet -- Please complete Activity #3, "Exploring the Concepts of 'Persuasion,'" questions 1-4.  Respond thoughtfully.

Your responses in your Writer's Journal are to get you thinking and to give you ideas for discussing these questions.

Homework:  Article of the Week #7 -- annotation and written response

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Module #2, "A Change of Heart About Animals"

Good Morning!

Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.  

*Module #2 -- Please have your Writer's Journal out. Yesterday we finished reading "Three Ways to Persuade."  I asked you to respond in your journal to the questions that follow each part. We will finish discussing this today.

*Module #2 Packet -- Please complete Activity #3, "Exploring the Concepts of 'Persuasion,'"  Questions 1-4.  

Your responses in your Writer's Journal are to get you thinking and to give you ideas for discussing these questions.

Homework:  1.  Independent reading  2.  Article of the Week #7

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Module #2, "Three Ways to Persuade"

Good Morning!

Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.  

*Module #2 -- Please have your Writer's Journal out. Yesterday we started reading "Three Ways to Persuade."  I asked you to respond in your journal to the questions that follow each part. We will finish the last part today.

Exploring the Concept of Persuasion:  Aristotle says that the art of rhetoric is the art of finding the available means of persuasion."  
*What does it mean to persuade someone? 
*Does persuasion give belief without knowledge or that which gives knowledge?  
*What is the difference between "knowledge" and "belief"?  
*Is "proving" different from "persuading"? 
* Does proving lead to  knowledge while persuading leads to belief?

HOMEWORK:  1. Article of the Week #7  2. Independent reading

Monday, October 20, 2014

Module #2 -- The Rhetoric of the Op-Ed Page: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

 Good Morning! I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.  

*Module #2 -- Please have your Writer's Journal out.   Start on a new page and write at the head of this new page: Module 2: "The Rhetoric of the Op-Ed Page: Ethos , Logos, and Pathos."

If we are to learn to participate in a democratic society by forming and supporting our own opinions - we need to be able to evaluate the opinions of others, Op-Ed resources then are an essential resource.

We will spend time reading and responding to a variety of articles that will ask us to do some of the following activities:
* Analyze how ideas, events, and/or narrative elements interact and develop through out a text
* Analyze the writers use of rhetorical devices and strategies
* Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text 
* Contribute to an ongoing conversation in ways that are appropriate to the academic context
* Write reading based arguments using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence

Activity 1:   Read the title of "Three Ways to Persuade" by John R. 
                   Edlund.  What do the three terms "ethos," "logos," and 
                   "pathos" mean? Respond in your Writer's Journal.  
                   Now read the article and respond to the questions
                   that follow each part.  (We will stop after each part
                   and discuss your responses).

Homework:  Independent reading and Article of the Week #7

Friday, October 17, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive and read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*I have been asked to give you the following survey.  Please go to my blog and click on the following link: WASC Student Survey

*Personal Essay -- we spent this week working on this essay and you were asked to work on it for homework.  You should have turned in a hard copy yesterday.  If you have not done so, please take care of getting it printed out today and turned in.  PROOFREAD carefully before printing.  I also would like to take a look at it before you print.

*For those of you who have turned in a hard copy of your essay, I would like you to share it with a partner.  The partner will carefully proofread it for errors and provide other feedback. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!
*Please get your netbook when you arrive. Read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Personal Essay -- your fully completed draft of your essay is due today.    Your essay should be no less than 500 words.  Ideally, your essay is between 800 - 1000 words.  I will give you some time for editing.  PROOFREAD carefully.  Since this is such a small class, I will permit printing it out here, if you have not done so yet.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #6 -- annotation and written response.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!
*Please get your netbook when you arrive. Read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Personal Essay -- your fully completed draft of your essay is due today.   Yesterday some of you read your essays in a group.  Today I would like you to work with a partner for editing your essay for errors.  Final draft of your essay is due tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  FINAL draft of your Personal Essay

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your netbook when you arrive .

*Independent Reading -- Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.

*Personal Essay -- For today I asked you to have a fully complete first draft. I see that several of you need more class time for writing and some of you have completed, or nearly have completed your essay.  Those with complete drafts will share their work with another student for feedback.

HOMEWORK:  Personal Essay -- fully completed draft is due tomorrow 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Independent Reading -- Today is the first day of the second grading period.  Hard to believe that the first six weeks went so swiftly!  Today begins independent reading each day.  Please have your book daily and begin reading at the bell.

*Article of the Week #6  -- annotation and response due on Friday

*Personal Essay -- we will work on the personal essay today.  I asked you to worked on this over the weekend.  A fully complete first draft is due tomorrow.  

HOMEWORK:  Personal Essay

Friday, October 10, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*Article of the Week #5 is due

*NOTE:  We resume independent reading on Monday.  Please be ready with your selection.  Stop by the library today and check a book out.

*Personal Essay -- today you will be working on your personal essay.  I would like you do have a fully completed draft by Tuesday.  You will have time in class on Monday.  Please work on your ideas over the weekend.

HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading book  2. Personal Essay

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!

*Writer's Journal Check --  Please get your Writer's Journal out for me to review

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.  Yesterday you created a new document and named it Period 2 Personal Essay.  THEN, you shared it with me (

*Yesterday we looked at some samples of the personal essay.  For homework I asked you to begin writing. The structure of the essay is for you to decide -- you have seen how you might proceed by referring to the samples that we read.  Remember to consider the elements of  the rhetorical framework for purpose, audience, situation, and persona.

 Rhetorical Framework

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #5 -- annotation and written response due tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Personal Essay

Good Morning!

*Writer's Journal Check --  Please get your Writer's Journal out for me to review

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.  You are going to create a NEW document, and you will name it Period 2 Personal Essay.  THEN, you will share it with me (

* Personal Essay Samples -- Yesterday you read four samples of personal essays.  In groups you were assigned an essay and questions to respond to as a means of critiquing the essay.  The groups will briefly share their responses.

* Today you will be begin writing  -- Please select one of the following  topics:
1. Describe the world you come from -- for example, your family, community or school -- and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

2.  Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution, or experience that is important to you.  What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Career/work path:

 If you are choosing to write a letter of introduction, then you are telling prospective employers about yourself, your abilities and talents, interests, goals, values, and  what you have to offer.

Option 1: Just start writing. Forget about structure and organization because you can figure that out later. Writer's that choose this option should feel ready to write. They should know which essay they want to write and have a good idea what they want to present in their essays.

Option 2: Take some time to sketch out your paper using a planning chart like the in the Personal Statement Prompts file. It may be a good idea to use the mentor text statements or to choose a prompt. Try out different approaches and/or subjects. Draw on what you studied, read, and written over the past few weeks to find a sense of purpose for your essay.Now write.

 If you are choosing to write a letter of introduction, then you are telling prospective employers about yourself, your abilities and talents, interests, goals, values, and  what you have to offer.

 Rhetorical Framework

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #5 -- annotation and written response

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Personal Statement Essay & Letter of Introduction

Good Morning!

NOTE:  I will be checking your Writer's Journal tomorrow

*Activity #22 & #23 --  I asked you to look over these activities to start thinking about your writing task.

CSU Personal Statement Prompt

*Handouts: Writing Prompt, Rubric, and Sample Personal Essays

HOMEWORK:  Writing a first draft 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Module 1, Activities 22 & 23

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*NOTE: The Goodreads book reviews must have a time stamp of no later than Oct 6.  You have until midnight tonight!

The grading period ends this Friday, Oct 10

*Article of the Week #5 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday.

*Activity #20 --  in your Writer's Journal you have written 10 FAQ 
Career-bound students:
     1.  The kinds of skills or abilities they need to enter their career
     2.  The outlook for getting work
     3.  The common tasks associated with the work
     4.  Pay for specific jobs

College-bound students:
     1.  Deadlines and admission requirement
     2.  Financial aid requirements or opportunities
     3.  The process of selecting a major and the opportunities for 
           particular majors
     4.  Details of life in the town where they would like to go
          to college.

 Activity #22 & Activity #23 -- Please read through both activities today.

HOMEWORK: Please read through activities #22 & 23.  Tomorrow we will start composing a draft.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Book Review

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

*Article of the Week #4 is due -- annotation and written response

*Goodreads Book Review -- you have a copy of the book review rubric.  Your mission today is to complete the review on Goodreads and to send me the link to your published page by filling out the Book Review Form for URL under "Important Links" on my blog (  PLEASE skip some space between each paragraph and indent your three paragraphs.
*NOTE: the end of the grading period is next Friday, Oct 10

HOMEWORK: Book review on Goodreads is due on Monday.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Module 1, Activity #19

Good Morning!

*Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive and read quietly while it powers up.

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric. I will give you class time tomorrow to write your review on Goodreads and to submit it to me.

*Activity #19 -- Please look at this activity before you begin your web search on either careers or colleges.

HOMEWORK:  Independent book review

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Module 1, Activity 19

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin 

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric. I will give you class time on Friday to compose your review on Goodreads.

* Activity #15 -- one more group to share their article.  Review of articles. Each of you should have completed Activity #15 in your Writer's Journal.

*Activity #16 -- Write about whether it is best to go to college right away or move into work.

*Activity #19 -- Please refer to this activity in your packet.  You are going to be generating 10  FAQ based on your research of websites that relate either to the world of work or college.

HOMEWORK:  Independent book review is due on Monday, Oct 6