Monday, October 6, 2014

Module 1, Activities 22 & 23

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*NOTE: The Goodreads book reviews must have a time stamp of no later than Oct 6.  You have until midnight tonight!

The grading period ends this Friday, Oct 10

*Article of the Week #5 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday.

*Activity #20 --  in your Writer's Journal you have written 10 FAQ 
Career-bound students:
     1.  The kinds of skills or abilities they need to enter their career
     2.  The outlook for getting work
     3.  The common tasks associated with the work
     4.  Pay for specific jobs

College-bound students:
     1.  Deadlines and admission requirement
     2.  Financial aid requirements or opportunities
     3.  The process of selecting a major and the opportunities for 
           particular majors
     4.  Details of life in the town where they would like to go
          to college.

 Activity #22 & Activity #23 -- Please read through both activities today.

HOMEWORK: Please read through activities #22 & 23.  Tomorrow we will start composing a draft.

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