Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Module 1, Activity 19

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin 

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric. I will give you class time on Friday to compose your review on Goodreads.

* Activity #15 -- one more group to share their article.  Review of articles. Each of you should have completed Activity #15 in your Writer's Journal.

*Activity #16 -- Write about whether it is best to go to college right away or move into work.

*Activity #19 -- Please refer to this activity in your packet.  You are going to be generating 10  FAQ based on your research of websites that relate either to the world of work or college.

HOMEWORK:  Independent book review is due on Monday, Oct 6

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