Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- You read from 32 to page 48 and you recorded 10 details from the reading.
 Book Burning 

HOMEWORK:  Read from p. 48 to 68 which is the end of Part I.  Quiz on Part I

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- You read from p. 18 to p. 32 for homework and recorded ten details. Please be ready to share some of the detials that you recorded.  There will be a quiz that follows each part of the novel.  Part I ends on p. 68.

HOMEWORK:  Read from p. 32 to 48 ("He had chills . . .").  Record ten details. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   You will be writing a Goodreads review on this novel.

*Some background information on Fahrenheit 451:
Fahrenheit 451

*F451 -- For homework you read to p. 18 and recorded ten details important details.

HOMEWORK:  Read from p.18 to p.32 and list 10 important details.  Number each detail.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in this class.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- today we will check out this novel.  I have substituted Brave New World for this novel.  I feel that it is more relevant to our times.  

*Article -- "Psychologist: Social Media Causing A 'Distancing Phenomena ' To Take Place"

QUESTION:  What do you perceive about our society today?  What would you criticize?

Fahrenheit 451

HOMEWORK:  Read to p.18. List 10 important details.  Number each event.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in this class. 

*NOTE:  All assignments have been recorded on Powerschool for this grading period with the exception of the essay on Into the Wild.

*Into the Wild -- movie

*Please stop by the library to return your copy of Into the Wild.

*NOTE:  We will be checking out Brave New World on Monday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in this class.

*NOTE:  All assignments have been recorded on Powerschool for this grading period with the exception of the essay on Into the Wild.

*Into the Wild -- movie

*Please stop by the library to return your copy of Into the Wild.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Into the Wild

Good Morning!

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in this class.

*Into The Wild Essay -- if you did not print out your essay, please come during advisory today to do so.  PLEASE be sure to carefully proofread your essay before printing.

*Into the Wild  -- the movie

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Into The Wild Esay

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.

*Thank you to those of you who have submitted your book reviews by the due date.

*Into the Wild essay -- Please carefully proofread your essay today for errors.  Today is the final day to work on this essay.   

Monday, April 20, 2015

Into The Wild Essay

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!
 Please get your netbook when you arrive.

You have created a new document and you named it:
                     Period 2 Into the Wild Essay
You have shared it with me ( 

NOTE:  Book Reviews are due by midnight tonight. The end of the grading period is this Friday, April 24th.  Be sure to follow the rubric.

*Into the Wild Essay -- Please wrap up the essay today.  Due tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  Into the Wild Essay

Friday, April 17, 2015

Into the Wild Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your netbook when you arrive.
Create a new document and name it:
Period 2 Into the Wild Essay
Share it with me ( 

NOTE:  Book Reviews are due next Monday, April 20th.  The end of the grading period is Friday, April 24th.  Be sure to follow the rubric.

Writing Assignment -- today you are composing your essay in response to Into the Wild.  The following are possible topics for the body paragraphs:  
1.  Chris' conflict with his parents
2.  Chris' intelligence and intellectuality -- Westerberg's observation that what  got him into trouble was too much thinking.
3.  Chris' feelings about society, careers, money.
4.  Pursuit of Unfiltered experience.
5.  Others' observations: a kid that was looking for something.
6.  Chris' nature of being driven -- look at his high school experience 
7.  The idea of a challenge.
8.  What about Chris McCandless' life evoked reflection about your life? Did Chris McCandless inspire you in any way or at any point?

HOMEWORK: 1. Into the Wild Essay  2. Book Review

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Writing Response to Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Book Reviews are due next Monday, April 20th.  The end of the grading period is Friday, April 24th.  Be sure to follow the rubric.

Writing Assignment -- today you are composing your essay in response to Into the Wild.  The following are possible topics for the body paragraphs:  
1.  Chris' conflict with his parents
2.  Chris' intelligence and intellectuality -- Westerberg's obesrvation that what  got him into trouble was too much thinking.
3.  Chris' feelings about society, careers, money.
4.  Pursuit of Unfiltered experience.
5.  Others' observations: a kid that was looking for something.
6.  Chris' nature of being driven -- look at his high school experience 
7.  The idea of a challenge.
8.  What about Chris McCandless' life evoked reflection about your life? 

*Create a new document and name it as follows:
                   Period 2 Into the Wild Essay

HOMEWORK: 1. Into the Wild Essay  2. Book Review

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 18

Good Morning!
NOTE:  Book Reviews are due next Monday, April 20th.  The end of the grading period is Friday, April 24th.

*Into The Wild -- you have completed Chapter 18 and 5 responses and the Epilogue.  

*Vocabulary to Into the Wild -- I will collect today the words that you have recorded and defined.

*Writing Assignment -- Before we begin the writing assignment, I would like you to listen to what other students have to say about Chris McCandless to possibly generate ideas for your writingPlease record student responses.

*Writing Prompt (Handout) 

HOMEWORK:  1.  Writing assignment on Into the Wild.  2. BOOK REVIEW

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 18

Good Morning!

*Note:  You are reading an independent reading book with an eye towards writing a review for this second six weeks.

*Into The Wild, Chapter 17 -- You have recorded 5 responses to this chapter. I will collect this at the beginning of the period.  Please read Chapter 18 and the Epilogue. Complete the dialectical journal responses for Chapter 18.  Tomorrow we will get started on a written response to Into The Wild.

*Writing Assignment -- As a final assignment, you will be writing about Chris McCandless.  Right along we have been trying to define who he is and the reasons behind his actions.  This is essentially what you will be writing about at the conclusion of Into The Wild.

HOMEWORK -- 1. Complete any missed assignments on Into The Wild BY TOMORROW.    2. Independent Reading

Monday, April 13, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 17

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!

*Note:  You are reading an independent reading book with an eye towards writing a review for this second six weeks.

*Into The Wild, Chapter 16 -- You have recorded 5 responses to this chapter.  I asked you to hold on to this assignment until today in order to discuss it before Chapter 17.
Crossing the Teklanika

*Chapter 17 -- To be read in class.

*Writing Assignment -- As a final assignment, you will be writing about Chris McCandless.  Right along we have been trying to define who he is and the reasons behind his actions.  This is essentially what you will be writing about at the conclusion of Into The Wild.

HOMEWORK -- 1.  5 responses to Chapter 17  2. Independent Reading

Friday, April 10, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 16

Good Morning!

*Note:  You are reading an independent reading book with an eye towards writing a review for this second six weeks.

*Into The Wild, Chapter 16 -- You have recorded 5 responses to this chapter to turn in today.

*Writing Assignment -- As a final assignment, you will be writing about Chris McCandless.  Right along we have been trying to define who he is and the reasons behind his actions.  This is essentially what you will be writing about at the conclusion of Into The Wild.

HOMEWORK -- Independent Reading

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 15

Good Morning!

*Note:  You are reading an independent reading book with an eye towards writing a review for this second six weeks.

*Into The Wild, Chapter 15 -- You have recorded 5 responses to this chapter to turn in today.

*Writing Assignment -- As a final assignment, you will be writing about Chris McCandless.  Right along we have been trying to define who he is and the reasons behind his actions.  This is essentially what you will be writing about at the conclusion of Into The Wild.

HOMEWORK -- Chapter 16 and 5 responses.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 14

Good Morning!

*Into The Wild -- For homework you completed the dialectical journal responses for Chapter 13 and read Chapter 14 and completed responses.

*Chapter 14 -- What is the purpose of this chapter?  How does it fit in with all the rest? 

Homework: 1. Chapter 15 and 5 responses.  By the way, I will be collecting the vocabulary that you have been recording right along.
2.  Independent reading

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Into The Wild,Chapter 13

Good Morning!

Note:  You are reading an independent reading book for this six weeks with an eye toward writing a book review.

*Into The Wild -- Chapter 13.  For homework you finished reading Chapter 12 which we started in class yesterday.  You have completed the Dialectical Journal Assignment which I will collect.
Question:  At this point, what are you thinking about Chris McCandless?  What is your opinion with what we now know?

Homework:  Dialectical Journal Responses for Chapter 13

Monday, April 6, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 12

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great Spring Break and are ready to get back to the business and enjoyment of learning! 

*Note:  I asked you to read your independent reading book over the break with an eye toward writing a review for this second six weeks.

*Into The Wild -- we left off at Chapter 11 before the break.  Today we will read Chapter 12 in class.  To begin, take a few moments to respond to the quotation from Thoreau at the beginning of the chapter.  Respond on the Dialectical Journal form.  Record the first line on the left and respond on the right. When we are finished with the chapter, you should have time to respond to 4 more parts.  

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter Thirteen and complete the dialectical journal assignment (respond 5 times).