Monday, April 13, 2015

Into The Wild, Chapter 17

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!

*Note:  You are reading an independent reading book with an eye towards writing a review for this second six weeks.

*Into The Wild, Chapter 16 -- You have recorded 5 responses to this chapter.  I asked you to hold on to this assignment until today in order to discuss it before Chapter 17.
Crossing the Teklanika

*Chapter 17 -- To be read in class.

*Writing Assignment -- As a final assignment, you will be writing about Chris McCandless.  Right along we have been trying to define who he is and the reasons behind his actions.  This is essentially what you will be writing about at the conclusion of Into The Wild.

HOMEWORK -- 1.  5 responses to Chapter 17  2. Independent Reading

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