Thursday, April 16, 2015

Writing Response to Into the Wild

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Book Reviews are due next Monday, April 20th.  The end of the grading period is Friday, April 24th.  Be sure to follow the rubric.

Writing Assignment -- today you are composing your essay in response to Into the Wild.  The following are possible topics for the body paragraphs:  
1.  Chris' conflict with his parents
2.  Chris' intelligence and intellectuality -- Westerberg's obesrvation that what  got him into trouble was too much thinking.
3.  Chris' feelings about society, careers, money.
4.  Pursuit of Unfiltered experience.
5.  Others' observations: a kid that was looking for something.
6.  Chris' nature of being driven -- look at his high school experience 
7.  The idea of a challenge.
8.  What about Chris McCandless' life evoked reflection about your life? 

*Create a new document and name it as follows:
                   Period 2 Into the Wild Essay

HOMEWORK: 1. Into the Wild Essay  2. Book Review

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