Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Your required reading book for this final six weeks is Fahrenheit 451.   Your final assignment for Fahrenheit 451 is this book review.  However, instead of publishing it on Goodreads you will share the review with me in Google Docs and provide me with a hard copy.   I gave you the rubric yesterday for this book review.

*Fahrenheit 451 -- you have read from pages 145 to 155 and you have recorded 10 details. We will resume at p. 155 today.  

HOMEWORK: Record 10 details from pages 155 to 165.  You will have 13 completed assignments to turn into me by Friday.

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