Thursday, June 4, 2015

Fahrenheit 451

Good Morning

*NOTE: Cell phones are to be put entirely away when you enter this classroom until you leave this classroom.  At no time should they be out once you are present in THIS class.

*NOTE:  Textbook return on Monday.  Please bring any textbooks signed out to you. 

*NOTE:  All assignments on Fahrenheit 451 are due tomorrow.  Please arrange them in order and staple them.

Fahrenheit 451 -- Your final writing assignment is a book review of Fahrenheit 451.  Create a new document and name it Period 2 F451 Review.  Share it with me (  Follow the rubric.  You will provide me with a hard copy on Monday, June 8th.

HOMEWORK: All completed assignments on F451 are due tomorrow. Final writing assignment due on Monday.

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