Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Activity #12 & #13

Good Morning!
 My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
                                                                           MAYA ANGELOU 

1. Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading 
    book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  Senior Quotes -- These are due to Ms. Fulcher between Oct 

3.  Read the directions for Activity #12 and respond in your
     Writer's Journal.  Write at least ONE chunk of text.

4.  Activity #13:  Write a letter to a trusted person about how 
     well you are -- or are not -- prepared for the next stage of your 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Hidden Intellectualism":

Good Morning!
  The full-orbed moon with unchanged ray
Mounts up the eastern sky,
Not doomed to these short nights for aye,
But shining steadily.

She does not wane, but my fortune,
Which her rays do not bless,
My wayward path declineth soon,
But she shines not the less.

And if she faintly glimmers here,
And paled is her light,
Yet alway in her proper sphere
She's mistress of the night.
                                                        -- Henry David Thoreau

1. Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading 
    book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  Senior Quotes -- These are due to Ms. Fulcher between Oct 

 3. "Hidden Intellectualism"-- We will continue today, starting with Paragraph #16.  (You have made 4 responses in your Writer's 
 Journal under Activity #11 and today you will make one more.) Question:  What is your opinion of Graff's thesis?

4.  Read the directions for Activity #12 and respond in your Writer's Journal.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Monday, September 28, 2015

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!
Art thou pale for weariness
     Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
      Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a Joyless eye
     That finds no object worth its constancy?

                                             By Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

1. Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading 
    book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  Senior Quotes -- These are due to Ms. Fulcher between Oct 

 3. "Hidden Intellectualism"-- We will continue today, starting 
      with paragraph #8.  You are making responses in your     
      WRITER'S JOURNAL when we stop at points.  These  
      responses are under Activity #11 in your journal.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Friday, September 25, 2015

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!
It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects.
Nikola Tesla

He that made us with such large discourse, Looking before and after, gave us not That capability and godlike reason To fust in us unused.
                                                        Shakespeare, Hamlet

  1. Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading 
    book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  "Hidden Intellectualism" -- We have read the first two 
      paragraphs and in your WRITER'S JOURNAL you have
      written a response under Activity #11.  We will continue with
      this text today.  As we read, consider where YOU fit into the
      concept of intellectualism that is being presented here.
HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Hidden Intellectualism"

1. Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading 
    book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  Intellectualism -- Yesterday you named three people whom 
     you think of as intellectuals and you provided a definition of 
     an intellectual.  We will discuss your choices.

     Activity #9 :  Is being an intellectual important and does
                           America need intellectuals?

4.  "Hidden Intellectualism" -- 
       WRITER'S JOURNAL: Activity #11
       Responding to the reading
       (I am going to read this article to 
      you and will stop at intervals for you to respond to what I
      have read.  Instead of paraphrasing the main ideas that you
      would do in annotating, provide your thinking on the text. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  "Want to Get Into College?  Learn to Fail" -- On the back of this handout, please explain the meaning of  Perez's title now that you have read this article.  In other words, what is Perez's main argument or advice?

     Activity #8: responding to Perez
     Write a one-page description of an
     event or moment when you were less than perfect and explain
     what your response to that moment says about your character,
     values, or potential for work or study.

4.  Defining Intellectualism:  Think of three people whom you
     think of as intellectuals.  What are their attributes? Define

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Good Morning

Get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class.  The Netbook Assignment sheet is on the cart. 

Naviance Training Today

Monday, September 21, 2015

"Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!
    I hope that you had a great weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading book out and read for approximately 15 minutes.  That is a little bit more time than usual, but for this first day I want to emphasize the idea of reading (and being prepared to read).

2. Text: "Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail" 
    ACTIVITY #6: Respond to #1 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL

3.  Reading the Text:  As your read, underline the advice that Perez gives about how to represent yourself and any other important lines.  ACTIVITY #7 : In your journal record a line from the text and give your thoughts about what you have recorded.

NOTE:  Naviance training tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Friday, September 18, 2015

"Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- The library opens today.  If you have not made a selection, select something from our school library.  Independent reading starts on Monday. Be sure to bring your book to class each and every day.  I will be checking :)

2.  Module #1, Activity #4:  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL, write about the words that you selected. For example, what do some of these words have to do with how you would like to present yourself?  Provide some discussion about some of the words/concepts that you selected.  Elaborate on a few of the concepts.

3.  TEXT -- "Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail" :  Before we begin this text, respond in your Writer's Journal to Activity #6, question #1.

4.  Reading the Text -- as you read the text, underline the parts that you think are statements of good advice or parts that you agree with.  Provide some of your thought in the margin.  (In other words ANNOTATE.)

NOTE: Label the assignment in your Writer's Journal

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Module #1, Activity 3

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- The library opens tomorrow.  If you have not made a selection, select something from our school library.  Independent reading starts on Monday. Be sure to bring your book to class each and every day.

2.  Module #1 -- "What Comes Next."  You received the handout yesterday for this module.  I indictaed that we would respond to some of the questions in the margins of the packet, but there is a change with that (as I indicated there might be).   I am passing out to you a composition book which I will refer to as a WRITER'S JOURNAL.  Today for entry #1, write about your plans for next year.  What will you be doing?  Write a paragraph.  Please have this WRITER'S JOURNAL with you each day.

3.  Activity #3:  Exploring Key Concepts -- select 10 words from the list that best fit your sense of self and write them down in your journal.  Always label the activity.  Then write them down again according to how you would rank them according to their importance.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading Book

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading Book -- the library opens this Friday.  You will be able to have a book by next Monday.

2.  "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"  -- Yesterday we finished reading the text of this TEDTalk and you took notes. I hope that you got something of value out of this text. 
 TEDTalk on Success

3.  Module #1:  "What Comes Next" (handout) 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Good Morning!
1.  Independent Reading Book -- the library opens this Friday.  You will be able to have a book by next Monday.

2.  "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"  -- yesterday we started reading this and you took notes.  We will finish today and watch the TedTalk. 
 TEDTalk on Success

Monday, September 14, 2015

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Good Morning!
I hope that you have had a great weekend!   

1.  Independent Reading Book -- please make your selection as soon as possible.  The library opens on Friday.

2.  Student Interviews from Friday -- I will collect those today.

3.  Student Survey -- This is to acquire some information on your engagement as a student.

4.  "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success" -- Before we begin Module #1, which concerns what comes next for you following graduation, I thought we might think about some of our ideas about success.  The text that you will read and annotate is from a TEDTalk which we will view.  I think it is of great benefit to first read the text because I feel the ideas are very worth considering.  Please number each section and annotate each section for main ideas.

HOMEWORK:  Complete the text of "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success" 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Student Interview

Good Morning!
I hope that you have had a great first week of school!

1.  Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading book starting on Monday.

2.  Getting Acquainted Activity -- We have had a little bit of an introduction to ERWC the past two days.  Today, in anticipation of Module #1 of ERWC next week and as a getting acquainted activity to end the week, you will interview another classmate and be interviewed.  Do not rush through the interview.  Consider the questions thoughtfully.  Thoughtfully discuss your responses.  You have the whole period to do this.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading Book 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Introduction to ERWC

Good Morning!
The first few days have been great, and I hope that they have been that way for you too!

1.  Independent Reading -- just a reminder to make a decision about what you will be reading for the first six weeks.  I would like you to have your reading with you starting next week.

2.  Introduction to ERWC -- Yesterday I gave you a handout which introduces you to this course.  We will finish discussing it today.   

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Textbook Checkout

Good Morning!
I hope that your first day of school went smoothly and was enjoyable for you!

1.  Textbook checkout -- you may drop your books off at your locker after you check them out from the library but please return to class promptly.  Cover all your textbooks!

2.  Netbook Agreement -- I will collect your parent signed forms.  If you do not have it today, please return it tomorrow.

3.  Introduction to Expository Reading and Writing (handout) -- Follow along with the discussion of Activity #3 and take notes on the handout.  I will collect your copies with your completed Activity #3.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I hope that you had an awesome summer vacation and are ready to get back to the wonderful business of learning!

1.  INTRODUCTION:  Ms. Baltrushes or Ms. B

2.  ATTENDANCE:  I do have a seating chart ready which is arranged alphabetically.

3.  Netbook Agreement -- this is mandatory.  We will be using the netbooks later this week.  Please return this form tomorrow. 

4.  GETTING ACQUAINTED ACTIVITY--  Think of one word that describes something that you did over the summer and arrange yourselves alphabetically around the classroom with the first letter of this word. You will be telling the class about your word.

5.  Letter of Expectations:  Write a letter to yourself which includes an inside address, a salutation, body paragraphs, a closing (Sincerely), and your signature.  

FIRST PARA:       Describe your history here at Point Loma.  What
                              has it been like for you as a student here?

SECOND PARA:  What have been your successes or areas 
                               you might have improved.

THIRD PARA:       What are your academic goals for this year?
                                Describe how you plan to make this a
                                successful final year.  What will you need to 

FOURTH PARA:    Some final reflection on your thoughts as you
                                begin this final year of high school.   

(Finish this for homework if you have not completed this in class.)              

6.  NOTE:  Tomorrow library for textbook checkout