Friday, September 18, 2015

"Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- The library opens today.  If you have not made a selection, select something from our school library.  Independent reading starts on Monday. Be sure to bring your book to class each and every day.  I will be checking :)

2.  Module #1, Activity #4:  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL, write about the words that you selected. For example, what do some of these words have to do with how you would like to present yourself?  Provide some discussion about some of the words/concepts that you selected.  Elaborate on a few of the concepts.

3.  TEXT -- "Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail" :  Before we begin this text, respond in your Writer's Journal to Activity #6, question #1.

4.  Reading the Text -- as you read the text, underline the parts that you think are statements of good advice or parts that you agree with.  Provide some of your thought in the margin.  (In other words ANNOTATE.)

NOTE: Label the assignment in your Writer's Journal

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

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