Monday, December 14, 2015

Module #3 Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

NOTE:  Bring canned goods, and you will receive extra credit.  I do not normally give extra credit for non-academic reasons, but I am making an exception in this case!

1.  Independent Reading -- Please read your independent reading book for 10 minutes.

2.Argument Essay -- Activities #15 - 20 discuss this writing assignment.  Activity #20 describes the structure of the essay.  I am also passing out an additional description of an argument essay.  Your topic must be debatable and you must include evidence from the little bit of research that you do for this assignment.  The essay is due Friday.  

Create a new document and name it Period ___ Argument Essay.  Share it with me IMMEDIATELY ( and check to see if I received it. 

HOMEWORK:  Argument Essay

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