Friday, March 25, 2016


Good Morning!
Looks like I need to resume reminding students to put electronic devices entirely away during class time.  I do not want to see them whatsoever while you are in class.  The exception is when I specifically give you permission to use your phone for accessing the internet for a class-related assignment.

Please read Part Three of 1984 over spring break. Record three parts for each chapter.  We will finish this novel the first week following spring break.

Relevant to the theme of the history of class inequality in 1984:

Inequality of All with Bill Moyers 

Wealth Inequality in America 

Inequality for All

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Good Morning!
Looks like I need to resume reminding students to put electronic devices entirely away during class time.  I do not want to see them whatsoever while you are in class.  The exception is when I specifically give you permission to use your phone for accessing the internet for a class-related assignment.

Please read Part Three of 1984.  Record three parts for each chapter.  We will finish this novel the first week following spring break.

Inequality for All

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

1984, Part Two

Good Morning!

Looks like I need to resume reminding students to put electronic devices entirely away during class time.  I do not want to see them whatsoever while you are in class.  The exception is when I specifically give you permission to use your phone for accessing the internet for a class-related assignment.

1.  1984 -- You finished reading Chapter 10 and you recorded three parts. You now have 59 parts that you recorded.  If you have not been keeping up with this, you have created a formidable task for yourself.

2. QUIZ ON PART TWO -- 30 pts.
    On the back of the quiz, compose 3 questions on memorable
    details from anywhere in the novel in what we have read so far.
    Volunteers will form a panel of experts that repond to your 

HOMEWORK:  Catch up on the reading of 1984 if that applies to you!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

1984, Chapter 9

Good Morning!
 I hope that you had a great weekend!
Looks like I need to resume reminding students to put electronic devices entirely away during class time.  I do not want to see them whatsoever while you are in class.  The exception is when I specifically give you permission to use your phone for accessing the internet for a class-related assignment. 

1.  1984--  You finished reading Part Two, Chapter 9 for homework and you recorded 3 parts.   Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Ten -- We will begin this chapter in class and you will finish for homework, recording 3 parts that caught your attention. Lt me know if you needed additional sheets.  

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 10 and record 3 parts.

Monday, March 21, 2016

1984, Part Two, Chapter 9

Good Morning!
 I hope that you had a great weekend!
Looks like I need to resume reminding students to put electronic devices entirely away during class time.  I do not want to see them whatsoever while you are in class.  The exception is when I specifically give you permission to use your phone for accessing the internet for a class-related assignment. 

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 9 (half of it) for homework and you recorded 3 parts.   Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Nine -- Please finish reading this chapter in class, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 9 (the remaining part of it) and record 3 parts.

Friday, March 18, 2016

1984, Chapter 8

Good Morning!

Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 8 for homework and you recorded 3 parts.   Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Nine -- Please read this chapter in class, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 9 and record 3 parts.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

1984, Chapter 7

Good Morning!

Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 7 for homework and you recorded 3 parts.   Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

QUESTION:  To whom do you most closely relate -- Winston or Julia?  Explain as much as possible. I will collect your response.

2.  Chapter Eight -- Please read this chapter in class, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 8 and record 3 parts.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chapter 6 & 7 of 1984

Good Morning!

Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 6 for homework and you recorded 3 parts. This was a very short chapter.  Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Seven -- Please read this chapter in class, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 7 and record 3 parts.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

1984, Chapter 5

Good Morning!

Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 5 for homework and you recorded 3 parts.   Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Six -- We will get started on this chapter in class and you will finish for homework, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 6 and record 3 parts.

Monday, March 14, 2016

1984 Part Two, Chapter 4

Good Morning!
I hope you had a great weekend!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 4 on Friday and you recorded 3 parts.  You also took a quiz.  Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Five -- We will get started on this chapter in class and you will finish for homework, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 5 and record 3 parts.   

Thursday, March 10, 2016

1984, Chapter 3

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 3 and you recorded 3 parts.  Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Four -- We will get started on this chapter in class and you will finish for homework, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 4 and record 3 parts.   

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

1984, Part Two, Chapter 2

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 2 and you recorded 3 parts.  Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Three -- We will get started on this chapter in class and you will finish for homework, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 3 and record 3 parts.   

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

1984, Part Two, Chapter One

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984--  You read Part Two, Chapter 1 and you recorded 3 parts.  Stay up with the reading or it will become difficult to get caught up. Read the novel for your own edification as well as meeting the requirements for this course.  

2.  Chapter Two -- We will get started on this chapter in class and you will finish for homework, recording 3 parts that caught your attention.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter 2 and record 3 parts.   

Monday, March 7, 2016

1984 -- Part Two

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning! 
I hope that you had a great weekend!

1.  1984 -- You finished reading Part One of 1984 over the weekend, and you recorded 3 parts that caught your attention.  I hope that you are enjoying the reading and, of course, staying caught up with the reading.  We will read some in class today.  We are beginning Part Two.  

HOMEWORK:  Read Part Two, Chapter One and record three parts. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Chapter 7 of 1984

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning!

1.  Reading 1984  -- The reading of this novel is required coursework.  I applaud those of you who are keeping up with the nightly reading assignments because you are following through with doing what a good student does!  Your work ethic will help you later in college. As in many situations, what you bring to the experience is what you are likely to reap from the experience.

2.  Chapter 7 of 1984 -- You have recorded 3 parts that caught your attention.  Please be ready to share.

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 8 of 1984 and record three parts that caught your attention. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chapter 6 of 1984

Good Morning!
NOTE:I am getting caught up in entering grades on Powerschool. Concerning the Value of Life Essay, it was due on February 19th.  We began work on it on February 11th at which time I EMPHASIZED to you to share the document with me. Last week I finished grading the essays after reading several of them in class.  AFTER I finished grading them, a few students decided that it might be time to now share their essay with me.  These essays will not be accepted.   

1.  Chapter 6 on 1984  -- You read this chapter for homework and recorded 3 parts that caught your attention.  I am sure there were parts that caught your attention in this chapter. 

2.  Remember to record vocabulary

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 7 and record 3 parts that caught your attention. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984 -- You read Chapter 5 for homework and completed 3 responses.  Please share your responses with the class as a means of generating discussion.  QUIZ ON CHAPTER 5!

 2.  Chapter 6 -- I will give you some time to get started on Chapter 6 which you will finish for homework.  Record 3 parts that were meaningful to you.  Remember also to record vocabulary.

Homework:  Please read Chapter 6 of 1984 and record 3 responses.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Chapter 5 of 1984

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  1984 -- You read Chapter 4 for homework and completed 3 responses.  Please share your responses with the class as a means of generating discussion.

 2.  Chapter 5 -- I will give you some time to get started on Chapter 5 which you will finish for homework  Record 3 parts that were meaningful to you.  Remember also to record vocabulary.

Homework:  Please read Chapter 5 of 1984