Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Good Morning!

* NOTE: I will be collecting the responses to 1984 on Friday.  The total number is 77.  I will expect to see neatly recorded and organized responses.  I have modeled this right along, so you have a good idea of the length involved.  You will also turn in the vocabulary that you recorded and defined.  There should be no less than 30 words.  Please focus on finishing this novel this week. I will be giving you class time for this, so please take advantage of it.  I will insist on that.  It is not a time for socializing.  If you have your phone out, I will not so nicely confiscate it.

* There will be a test on 1984 on Friday.  It will be an objective, multiple choice test.

HOMEWORK:  Complete assignments on 1984

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