Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Prelude: The Barbershop"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please return your copy of 1984 to the library if you have not done so yet.

1.  "Prelude: The Barbershop" -- Yesterday you worked on questions to this text.  We will review and I will collect.

2.  Activity #19 -- You are going to complete the first part of this in your Response Journal:  Imitate Young's prose style by writing a 10-sentence paragraph in the spirit of his voice, maintaining his sentence length and structure, but writing about yourself and your own experiences with language, gender, culture, race, masculinity, femininity, or identity.

NOTE:  Tomorrow you will be reading and annotating the Lorde text, and Monday you will be researching for your own text to share which addresses language, gender, culture.  You will receive a handout which explains the assignment.  You will be writing a rhetorical precis on four texts -- two that we read in class and two of your own.  

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