Thursday, May 12, 2016

Into the Wild

Good Morning!
Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterways ..... A vast silence reigned over the land.  The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness.    -- Jack London

1. A glance at a few student examples of the rhetorical precis assignment. I will NOT accept any after tomorrow. You have had a grace period of a week.

2.  Into the Wild -- We read Chapter One in class yesterday, and you read Chapter Two on your own.  You have completed 5 questions on the Dialectical Journal form.  

3.  Chapter 3 --  At the top, write Ch. 3 on back of the form for Ch. 1&2.  Write 5 questions with answers for Chapter 3. 
NOTE:  Stay up with the reading and assignments! 

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