Thursday, May 5, 2016

Rhetorical Precis

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

NOTE:  We check out Into The Wild on Monday.  Be sure to have 
              your ID.

*Today and tomorrow you are working on writing a rhetorical precis for two of the texts that we have read and two texts that YOU HAVE CHOSEN that have a theme of language, gender, and culture.  I gave you a student sample of what your chosen precis would be like and the type of text that you might locate.  

*Use your cell phone or netbook locate a text and/or work on composing your precis in Google docs.  For this assignment you will print out your work  vs. sharing it with me in Google docs.  I will collect your work on Monday.  It is your responsibility to print out the work.  See me if there is a problem with that.

HOMEWORK:  Rhetorical Precis on four texts.  Due Friday,
                          May 6. 

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