Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Racial Profiling

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

FOOD DRIVE -- Here is an extra credit opportunity. (

1.  Review of Activity #2 which you worked on yesterday.  You researched the term "Jim Crow" and you summarized a narrative in your WRITER'S JOURNAL from the PBS site called "The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow."

 TEDTALK on the topic of racial profiling:
 Racial Profiling

2.  Activity #3, Surveying the Text
Bob Herbert 

3.  Activity #4, Making Predictions: Answer questions 1-4 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL

4.  Activity #5 -- Review the definitions before reading

5.  Reading the text, "Jim Crow Policing" --  For the first reading, read through without stopping.  We will then do a second reading and annotate.

Trump and Identity 

HOMEWORK:  Start selecting your independent reading book for the final six weeks.  If you have not selected a book from the recommended booklist, you must do so for this last six weeks.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Module #3, Racial Profiling

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

FOOD DRIVE -- Here is an extra credit opportunity.  

Book Reviews were due yesterday. 

1.  Module #3 -- "Racial Profiling" (Module handout)

2.  Complete Activity #1 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.
     Start on a new page in your journal and entitle it "Module
     #3, Racial Profiling."
     *Sharing your response to Activity #1

3.  Activity #2, Exploring Key Concepts -- You will get your 
     assigned Chromebook for this acivity.  Follow the directions
     and questions for Activity #2 and record in your WRITER'S
     JOURNAL.  Summarize one of the stories from the PBS
     site called "The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow."  Do this in your

HOMEWORK:  Start making your next selection of an independent reading book for the final six weeks of the semester.  If you have not yet chosen a book from the recommended booklist, you must do so for this final grading period.  The list is under "Important Links" on this blog.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Book Review

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving vacation!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

FOOD DRIVE -- Here is an extra credit opportunity.  

Book Reviews are due today.  I gave you the form before vacation so that you might work on it.  As promised, I am giving you time in class today to complete the review and turn it in TODAY.

Animal Rights Essay -- I graded two classes over vacation.  The essay was due on the Friday before vacation. 

We will be starting a new module tomorrow -- Module #3, "Racial Profiling"

Friday, November 18, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

NOTE:  Book Review will be due on the Monday that we return -- November 28th.  I am giving you the form today so that you might work on it over vacation, but I will give you time in class to complete it on November 28th.


Animal Rights Essay --  This is essay is due today. A minimum of 500 words is required in your essay. Your discussion MUST include the three texts that we read closely.  Those texts should guide your thoughts as you write.  When I open your essay, the first thing that I should see is the proper MLA format of the heading.  If it is not in place, I will not read your essay.  PLEASE proofread your essay for effective sentences. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Book Review

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

Animal Rights Essay --  A minimum of 500 words is required in your essay. Your discussion MUST include the three texts that we read closely.  Those texts should guide your thoughts as you write.  When I open your essay, the first thing that I should see is the proper MLA format of the heading.  If it is not in place, I will not read your essay.  PLEASE proofread your essay for effective sentences.  This essay is to be fully completed by tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

Animal Rights Essay --  A minimum of 500 words is required in your essay. Your discussion MUST include the three texts that we read closely.  Those texts should guide your thoughts as you write.  When I open your essay, the first thing that I should see is the proper MLA format of the heading.  If it is not in place, I will not read your essay.  PLEASE proofread your essay for effective sentences.  This essay is to be fully completed at the end of the week!

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

Animal Rights Essay -- It looks like MANY of you have a ways to go to complete this essay.  A minimum of 500 words is required.  Your discussion MUST include the three texts that we read closely.  Those texts should guide your thoughts as you write.  When I open your essay, the first thing that I should see is the proper MLA format of the heading.  If it is not in place, I will not read your essay.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes.  Book reviews are due November 28th.  I will give you time in class to complete them.  You will receive a form.

2.  Animal Rights Essay -- You will finish this essay today.  I have asked you to work on it outside of class so that the only thing you should be doing today is carefully proofreading for errors.  I will not give a grade to any essay that consists of many errors that you should have caught and corrected through careful reading.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  Activity #28 -- Essay Writing Task.  You are writing an essay explaining the extent to which you agree or disagree with the idea of creating a Bill of Rights for animals.  Develop your points by drawing on your own experience, observations, AND READINGS.  Your essay will include a discussion of the texts that we have read.

3. CREATING A NEW DOCUMENT -- Once you get your assigned netbook, sign in to your school account and then sign off.  Sign into your Google Account and go to your Google drive.  CREATE a NEW DOCUMENT and name it:  Period ___ Animal Rights Essay.  Immediately share it with me ( 

4.  Continue composing your essay today.  Write thoughtful and effective sentences!  I would like to wrap this essay up on Monday at which time you will carefully proofread your essay.

HOMEWORK:  Animal Rights Essay

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  Activity #28 -- Essay Writing Task.  You are writing an essay explaining the extent to which you agree or disagree with the idea of creating a Bill of Rights for animals.  Develop your points by drawing on your own experience, observations, AND READINGS.  Your essay will include a discussion of the texts that we have read.

3. CREATING A NEW DOCUMENT -- Once you get your assigned netbook, sign in to your school account and then sign off.  Sign into your Google Account and go to your Google drive.  CREATE a NEW DOCUMENT and name it:  Period ___ Animal Rights Essay.  Immediately share it with me ( 

4.  Continue composing your essay today.  Write thoughtful and effective sentences!

HOMEWORK:  Animal Rights Essay

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  Activity #28 -- Essay Writing Task.  You are writing an essay explaining the extent to which you agree or disagree with the idea of creating a Bill of Rights for animals.  Develop your points by drawing on your own experience, observations, AND READINGS.  Your essay will include a discussion of the texts that we have read.

3. CREATING A NEW DOCUMENT -- Once you get your assigned netbook, sign in to your school account and then sign off.  Sign into your Google Account and go to your Google drive.  CREATE a NEW DOCUMENT and name it:  Period ___ Animal Rights Essay.  Immediately share it with me ( 

HOMEWORK:  Watch the election results!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Essay on Animal Rights

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!
Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  "Of Primates and Personhood" --  On Friday you answered questions on this text and summarized the article.

3. Activity #28 -- Writing Task
 Animal Bill of Rights

HOMEWORK: Drafting an essay

Thursday, November 3, 2016

"Of Primates and Personhood"

Good Morning!
Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  "Of Primates and Personhood" --  We will finish giving this text a close reading and annotating.

3.  Reviewing Activity #27 -- Thinking about the texts that we have read.

4. Activity #28 -- Writing Task
 Animal Bill of Rights

5.  Questions on "Of Primates and Personhood"

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

"Of Primates and Personhood"

Good Morning!
Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  "Of Primates and Personhood" --  Yesterday you began reading this text the first time.  Please take a little bit of time to finish the article.  We will then read it together and annotate/outline for what the writer is doing and saying.

Ed Yong

Homework:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"Of Primates and Personhood"

Good Morning!
Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes. 

2.  "Of Primates and Personhood" --  Yesterday you began reading this text the first time.  Please take a little bit of time to finish the article.  We will then read it together and annotate/outline for what the writer is doing and saying.

Ed Yong

Homework:  Independent Reading