Monday, November 14, 2016

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class. Do NOT use your phone during class. PLEASE do not have me remind you of this. If you have your phone out during class, it will be confiscated and brought to the office.

1.  Independent Reading --  Please read for 10 minutes.  Book reviews are due November 28th.  I will give you time in class to complete them.  You will receive a form.

2.  Animal Rights Essay -- You will finish this essay today.  I have asked you to work on it outside of class so that the only thing you should be doing today is carefully proofreading for errors.  I will not give a grade to any essay that consists of many errors that you should have caught and corrected through careful reading.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading. 

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