Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"His Politeness is Her Powerlessness"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

1. "Honor Code"  --   Before we go on to the next text, in your RESPONSE JOURNAL, summarize the text and provide a response to it (your opinion to the article).

2.   What is the meaning of "being very polite"? (Please put your name on the paper.) 
"His Politeness is Her Powerlessness" -- read quietly and annotate for main ideas.  
      Respond to questions (handout)

Monday, February 27, 2017

"Honor Code"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

1. "Honor Code"  --  On Friday you read this text closely and annotated it.  You then wrote 5 open-ended questions in your RESPONSE JOURNAL.  We will discuss this text today, drawing on YOUR questions.

2.  In your RESPONSE JOURNAL, create an idea map of Brook's article, putting the main ideas into bubbles with supporting ideas, evidence, and examples connected to those bubbles.  (The main ideas are boys and school culture.)

Friday, February 24, 2017

"Honor Code"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

New Module: In this module we will be examining gender norms and the ways social pressures enforce those norms.  You will begin by reflecting on your own experiences of gender-based social pressures to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between language, gender, culture, and identity.

1.  Bio on David Brooks
     "Honor Code"  -- Record vocabulary as shown before reading article. Read closely and annotate for main ideas and your thoughts. After reading the article and annotating, write 5 open-ended questions in your RESPONSE JOURNAL.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Language, Gender, Culture

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

New Module: In this module we will be examining gender norms and the ways social pressures enforce those norms.  You will begin by reflecting on your own experiences of gender-based social pressures to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between language, gender, culture, and identity.

Of Interest:  TransgenderBathrooms: Trump Administration reverses Obama policies

                         Trump Revokes Obama Guidelines

1.  Activity #2 -- Responding to "Phylosophe" 

2.  Bio on David Brooks
     "Honor Code"  -- Record vocabulary as shown before reading article. Read closely and annotate for main ideas and your thoughts. After reading the article and annotating, write 5 open-ended questions in your RESPONSE JOURNAL.

3.  Activity #9:   Create an idea Map of Brooke's article, putting the main ideas into bubbles with supporting ideas, evidence, and examples connected to these bubbles.

NOTE:  I will be working on your "Value of Life" essays through this week. Essays with less than 700 words will not be graded.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Language, Gender, Culture

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

New Module: In this module we will be examining gender norms and the ways social pressures enforce those norms.  You will begin by reflecting on your own experiences of gender-based social pressures to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between language, gender, culture, and identity.

1. Activity #1 -- You have responded to two quickwrite prompts in your response journal. We will discuss today.

 2.  Bio on Judith Butler
      Video and text 
      Activity #2 -- Responding to "Phylosophe"

NOTE:  I will be working on your "Value of Life" essays through this week. Essays with less than 700 words will not be graded.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Language, Gender, and Culture

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

New Module:  Language, Gender, and Culture.  I have not duplicated the packet for this module.  I will be putting the activities on the Promethean Board.  You will receive today a prepared response journal for the activities which you will maintain throughout this module.
In this module we will be examining gender norms and the ways social pressures enforce those norms.  You will begin by reflecting on your own experiences of gender-based social pressures to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between language, gender, culture, and identity.

NOTE:  I will be working on your "Value of Life" essays through this week.
Jimmy Kimmel "Mansplaining" to Hillary Clinton

Activity #1 -- You will respond to a quickwrite prompt in your response journal. (handout)

 2.  "Phylosophe"
      Video and text

Thursday, February 16, 2017

"Value of Life" Essay

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

NOTE: I will collect your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love"  at the end of the period  

 1.  Essay Assignment --  You have been focused on completing this essay by the end of this class period.  If you have completed your essay, please carefully proofread it for errors. BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE PROPERLY FORMATTED HEADING IN PLACE.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Value of Life" Essay

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

1.  Essay Assignment -- HANDOUT 
We will work on this essay today and tomorrow.  You will have completed the essay by the end of class tomorrow.  This means you have been focused on this task to complete it when it is due.

2.  You have created a new document and named it as follows: 
 Period ___  Value of Life Essay.  You also have shared it with me (abaltrushes@gmail.com).

NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love." 

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Value of Life" Essay

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

1.  Essay Assignment -- HANDOUT 
We will work on this essay each day this week in class. It is due on Thursday. This means that you need to focus during class, and you absolutely must work on it at home.  

2.  Chromebook -- Yesterday you created a new document and named it as follows: 
 Period ___  Value of Life Essay.  You also have shared it with me (abaltrushes@gmail.com).

NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love." 

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.  

1.  Essay Assignment -- HANDOUT 
We will work on this essay each day this week in class.  Work on it for homework.  It is due on Thursday. 

2.  Chromebook -- Create a new document and name it as follows: 
 Period ___  Value of Life Essay.  IMMEDIATELY share it with me (abaltrushes@gmail.com)

NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love." 

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay 

Friday, February 10, 2017

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  "You've got to find what you love"  (Steve Jobs) --  Yesterday we discussed this text and you turned in the questions on this text.  Be sure to complete all assignments as we go through this second semester.  Refer to my blog here to know what has been assigned if you are absent.  It is too late to find out about that once the grades are posted on Powerschool.

2.  Steve Jobs' Speech at Stanford 

3.  Essay Assignment

 NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love."

Thursday, February 9, 2017

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  "You've got to find what you love"  (Steve Jobs) --  Yesterday you read and annotated this text by paraphrasing and/or providing some reflection on what was said.  Questions were also assigned.  We will discuss Jobs' speech, and I will collect the completed questions.

2.  Steve Jobs' Speech at Stanford

 NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love."

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Questions on "What Is A Life Worth" --  This was assigned yesterday and due at the end of the period.  If you did not finish yesterday, you finished for homework.  I will collect this assignment at the beginning of the period.

2.  "You've got to find what you love"  (Steve Jobs) --  Read carefully and annotate.  Annotate by paraphrasing ideas and/or providing your reflection.  Upon completion of your reading, complete questions on the text (handout).

3.  NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and "You've got to find what you love."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

"What Is A Life Worth?"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

1.  Questions on "What Is A Life Worth" --  To review this text before we move on to the next, please complete the questions on the handout.  I will collect at the end of the period.

2.  NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," "What is a Life Worth," and one additional text that is forthcoming.

Monday, February 6, 2017

"What Is A Life Worth"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to    
  breathe free,  
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:  
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 
                                                               Emma Lazarus 

"What Is A Life Worth" -- Let's finish today! 

NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," and this annotated text along with a few other texts that are forthcoming.

Friday, February 3, 2017

"What Is A Life Worth?"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 
Image result for images of statue of liberty

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to    
  breathe free,  
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:  
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 
                                                               Emma Lazarus 

"What Is A Life Worth" -- We will continue reading this text together and pausing to annotate.  Please follow along.  Let's finish today!

NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," and this annotated text along with a few other texts that are forthcoming.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

"What Is A Life Worth?"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

Image result for images of statue of liberty

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to    
  breathe free,  
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:  
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 
                                                               Emma Lazarus 

"What Is A Life Worth" -- We will continue reading this text together and pausing to annotate.  Please follow along. 

NOTE: At the end of this module, I will be collecting your ANNOTATED copies of Hamlet's Soliloquy, "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man," and this annotated text along with a few other texts that are forthcoming.

September 11, 2001

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"What Is A LIfe Worth?"

Good Morning!
 Please put your cell phones completely out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. NOTE: Please bring a book to class vs. reading a book on your phone. 

Image result for statue of liberty images"

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,  
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:  
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 
                                                               Emma Lazarus 

September 11, 2001 

"What Is A Life Worth?" -- We started reading this text yesterday, but I really should have introduced this text with some background of the day of September 11, 2001 -- 9/11.  We will see some background to this day before we continue with the text.