Thursday, May 11, 2017


Good Morning!
Please put your cell phone out of sight for the FULL duration of the class.  Please do not have me remind you of this. Put the phone away WHEN THE BELL RINGS.  You may take it out when the bell rings at the end of the period and not before.

NOTE: Please keep up with your assignments as we go through this second semester. My blog HERE is where you check to see if you have missed an assignment in the event of an absence, not after it is posted on PowerSchool.

Review for test on 1984

NOTE:  The RESPONSE JOURNAL is due tomorrow.  The test on 1984 will be tomorrow-- multiple choice test.

HOMEWORK:  Make sure your Response Journal  to 1984 is complete -- 72 responses.  It is due TOMORROW.  Make sure that each part recorded is numbered and each of the three parts of the novel labelled.

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