Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Module #4

Good Morning!

*Before vacation you received the packet for Module#4, and we completed Activity #1.  The goal of this module is to inquire into different ways writers have probed and represented the value of human life.  We will read a diverse set of texts that address a shared question: How should human life be valued?  The key objective is to make connections among the various texts and to notice the rhetorical conventions used by specific genres to explore similar questions.

*Activity #2 -- In your Writer's Journal list as many synonyms that you can think of for life.

*Activity #3 -- What is your experience with Shakespeare?  What do you know about his plays?  Do you know any lines from a play?

 HOMEWORK:  Independent reading -- book reviews are due January 16.  If you have not submitted a book review on a book from the recommended list, you need to do so for this last book review for this semester.

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