Friday, January 29, 2016

Oral Book Review

Good Morning!

Today you are delivering your oral book review.  You are to speak knowledgeably about your book, following the guidelines on the rubric that I gave you.  The only part that you read is the passage that you selected in the book.  Speak clearly and make eye contact with the class.  You will be using the microphone.  Please don't have me continually telling you to speak into the mic.

NOTE:  As your classmate is delivering his or her oral book review, please politely listen. I am listening closely and will not be distracted by other students talking. No talking whatsoever at this time or you will forfeit your grade.

*I will collect the book review handout at the end of class. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Oral Book Review

Good Morning!

Today you are delivering your oral book review.  You are to speak knowledgeably about your book, following the guidelines on the rubric that I gave you.  The only part that you read is the passage that you selected in the book.  Speak clearly and make eye contact with the class.  You will be using the microphone.  Please don't have me continually telling you to speak into the mic.

NOTE:  As your classmate is delivering his or her oral book review, please politely listen.  No talking whatsoever at this time! 

*I will collect the book review handout at the end of class. 

NOTE:  If you have not given me your Writer's Journal, please do so today. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Oral Book Review

Good Morning!

Today you are delivering your oral book review.  You are to speak knowledgeably about your book, following the guidelines on the rubric that I gave you.  The only part that you read is the passage that you selected in the book.  Speak clearly and make eye contact with the class.  You will be using the microphone.  Please don't have me continually telling you to speak into the mic.

NOTE:  As your classmate is delivering his or her oral book review, please politely listen.  No talking whatsoever at this time! 

*I will collect the book review handout at the end of class. 

NOTE:  If you have not given me your Writer's Journal, please do so today. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Book Review Preparation

Good Morning! 
I hope that you had a great weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. I have decided to make the final book review this semester an oral review.  We will take time before and during the final schedule to complete this. I have given you a rubric for the book review. We will start the oral book reviews next Tuesday and finish on the day of your scheduled final: Period 3 on Thursday and Period 6 & 7 on Friday.

NOTE: I will give you time TODAY to prepare your oral review. Tomorrow I will give extra credit to those who volunteer to begin.

WRITER'S JOURNAL -- I will look at those today.  As I indicated on Friday, you were to have it available to me today.  

NOTE:  If you see an assignment missing on Powerschool, it is too late to decide to turn it in.  Assignments are made very clear on my blog each day.  It is your responsibility to promptly make up any missed assignments due to absences.

HOMEWORK:  Prepare for book review

Friday, January 22, 2016

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 

1.  Independent Reading -- Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. I have decided to make the final book review this semester an oral review.  We will take time before and during the final schedule to complete this. I gave you a rubric yesterday.  We will start the oral book reviews next Tuesday and finish on the day of your scheduled final: Period 3 on Thursday and Period 6 &7 on Friday.

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" -- Yesterday you completed Activity #22 in your Writer's Journal.  My intent in having you work on these questions (and there were a lot) was to have YOU do some work on being more familiar with the text. 

 NOTE:  I am checking your Writer's Journal on Monday.  It is your responsibility to make sure it gets a grade.   In other words, I expect that you will have it available for me on Monday. 

Roger Ebert

HOMEWORK:  Prepare for your oral book review

Thursday, January 21, 2016

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 

1.  Independent Reading -- Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. I have decided to make the final book review this semester an oral review.  We will take time before and during the final schedule to complete this. I gave you a rubric yesterday.  We will start the oral book reviews next Tuesday and finish on the day of your scheduled final: Period 3 on Thursday and Period 6 &7 on Friday.

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" --  We are not quite done with this text!  We are continuing this from yesterday. Look at Activity #21: The Mock Interview.  You need a partner for this activity.  Complete the questions in your Writer's Journal and conduct the interview with your partner.  Some of you WILL VOLUNTEER to do the interview for the class.

     *Complete Activity #22 in your Writer's Journal -- we have done a lot of discussion on the text.   By responding to this assignment in your journal, you will be more solid with the ideas before we go on.

HOMEWORK:  Prepare for your oral book review,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 

1.  Independent Reading -- Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. I have decided to make the final book review this semester an oral review.  We will take time before and during the final schedule to complete this. I am giving you a rubric today.  We will start the oral book reviews next Tuesday and finish on the day of your scheduled final: Period 3 on Thursday and Period 6 &7 on Friday.

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" -- : We are not quite done with this text!  Look at Activity #21: The Mock Interview.  You need a partner for this activity.  Complete the questions in your Writer's Journal and conduct the interview with your partner.  Some of you WILL VOLUNTEER to do the interview for the class.

     *Complete Activity #22 in your Writer's Journal

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading.  Prepare oral book review.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend!

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day.  Instead of a written book review on Goodreads, you will deliver an oral book review. This will take place during finals week. Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. I will provide a rubric for the oral book review.

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" -- Friday we discussed the Ebert interview with you sharing parts that especially caught your attention.  We will discuss Activity #18, but I would like you to do Activity #19 on your own.

 HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Friday, January 15, 2016

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day.  Instead of a written book review on Goodreads, you will deliver an oral book review. This will take place during finals week. Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. 

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" -- Yesterday you read and annotated the text. You noted whether Ebert appears to be generally pessimistic or optimistic in the interview.  To promote discussion on this text, please select one particular part that you will share with the class.  Take a few moments to reflect on that part before sharing.

 HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Roger Ebert: The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day.  Instead of a written book review on Goodreads, you will deliver an oral book review. This will take place during finals week. Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. 

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" -- Read the text and ANNOTATE. Reflect and take notes on your reflection after a chunk of text. As you read, determine whether Ebert appears to be generally pessimistic or optimistic in the interview.  Also, does Ebert present an argument about the value of death?

 HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

"Roger Ebert:The Essential Man"

Good Morning! 

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day.  Instead of a written book review on Goodreads, you will deliver an oral book review. This will take place during finals week. Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.  

(Period 3 -- Please turn in the questions on Hamlet's Soliloquy)
You have completed activities #11 and #12 in your Writer's Journal.

2. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man" --  Please open your packet to Activity #14 and read it.   Respond to Activity #15.

 Roger Ebert

3.  Read the text and ANNOTATE

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Monday, January 11, 2016

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning! 
"Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,/ And thus the native hue of resolution/ Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, / And enterprise of great pitch and moment/ With this regard their currents turn awry/ And lose the name of action.

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day.  Instead of a written book review on Goodreads, you will deliver an oral book review. This will take place during finals week. Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.  

2.  Hamlet's Soliloquy --You have written four questions on the soliloquy which you viewed on Friday. We will try a Socratic Seminar format to discuss the soliloquy based on the questions that you have written. It is up to you to keep the discussion moving, and in the interest of everyone hearing what you have to say we will use a microphone. LISTEN to your classmates as they speak!

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Friday, January 8, 2016

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day.  I have made a decision to have the final book review of this semester an oral book review.  This will take place during finals week. Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.  

2.  Hamlet's Soliloquy -- Yesterday I showed you Act One of Hamlet to provide a context for Hamlet's very famous soliloquy.  We will skip to that part today. Following this, you will write four questions on the soliloquy.  (You received a handout for this yesterday.)

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hamlet's Soliloquy

Good Morning!

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day. Book Reviews will be due Monday, January 25th.  Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.  

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life" -- Yesterday you completed Activities #3 & #4 in your Writer's Journal.  You received a copy of Hamlet's Soliloquy. Look at the background information under Activity #6.  I would like you to read closely and ask questions on the soliloquy which will help our understanding.  Please do this for homework.  We will watch part of Hamlet in class today.

HOMEWORK:  Write questions on Hamlet's soliloquy (handout)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"The Value of Life"

Good Morning!

1. Independent Reading -- Please bring your book each day. Book Reviews will be due Monday, January 25th.  Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.  

2.  Module #4 -- "The Value of Life" -- Yesterday you completed Activity #1 in your Writer's Journal.  I will pass out a copy of Hamlet's Soliloquy.  Please complete activities 3 & 4 in your Writer's Journal to get you thinking about your experience with and knowledge of Shakespeare.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Module #4: Value of Life

Good Morning!

1.Independent Reading -- Book Reviews will be due Monday, January 25th.  Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.

2.  NOTE:  I will be working on your essays on a controversial topic this week.

3. Poem -- "Any Human to Another" -- Yesterday we read and discussed this poem, and you composed your own inspirational poem.  We will share those today :)

4.  MODULE #4 :  The Value of Life (Packet)
     Activity #1 -- Respond in your WRITER'S JOURNAL (start on a new page and label Module #4).
HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading 

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Any Human to Another"

Good Morning and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I hope that your holidays were fantastic and that you are ready to get back to the work of being an awesome student dedicated to learning!
1.  Independent Reading -- Book Reviews will be due Monday, January 25th.  Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list.
2.  NOTE:  I will be working on your essays on a controversial topic this week.
3. Poem -- "Any Human to Another" -- I chose this poem because I believe that it is always a relevant and important New Year resolution to be more caring, kind, and empathetic toward our fellow human beings.  AND, I am giving you an opportunity to try your hand at writing a poem.  Please compose a draft on a separate paper, and when you are satisfied with it, transfer it to the handout. 
HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading