Monday, January 25, 2016

Book Review Preparation

Good Morning! 
I hope that you had a great weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Remember that one of your books this semester must be from the recommended list. I have decided to make the final book review this semester an oral review.  We will take time before and during the final schedule to complete this. I have given you a rubric for the book review. We will start the oral book reviews next Tuesday and finish on the day of your scheduled final: Period 3 on Thursday and Period 6 & 7 on Friday.

NOTE: I will give you time TODAY to prepare your oral review. Tomorrow I will give extra credit to those who volunteer to begin.

WRITER'S JOURNAL -- I will look at those today.  As I indicated on Friday, you were to have it available to me today.  

NOTE:  If you see an assignment missing on Powerschool, it is too late to decide to turn it in.  Assignments are made very clear on my blog each day.  It is your responsibility to promptly make up any missed assignments due to absences.

HOMEWORK:  Prepare for book review

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