Monday, February 29, 2016

Chapter 4 of 1984

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.Value of Life Essay -- I was finishing these essays last evening, and I could not help but be struck by the really great job that many of you did with this writing assignment.  I was truly impressed with how many of you developed your thinking on the topic and how you expressed some very meaningful insights.  I am sharing an essay today.

2. Chapter 4 of 1984 -- Record 3 parts that caught your attention.  Also, remember to define and record unfamiliar vocabulary words. Contribute to my list on the side board.  I think that it would be great to have a final vocabulary test.

Doublethink:       War is Peace
                            Freedom is slavery
                            Ignorance is strength 

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 4 of 1984 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Chapter 3 of 1984

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning. 

* You have read Chapter 3 of 1984 and you have recorded three parts that caught your attention.  Please also record unfamiliar vocabulary words. 

*Chapter 3 of 1984 takes a little bit more concentration to follow and digest.  I am sure that you noticed that and concentrated more on what you read.  Recording parts that caught your attention should help to organize some thoughts.

HOMEWORK:  We have now read 3 chapters and you have completed responses to each.  Take this time to catch up.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chapter Two of 1984

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning. 

Re: Value of Life Essays.  All and all I feel that you did a GREAT job on this essay assignment.  I have been enjoying reading them!

1.  Please have your response journal and vocabulary sheet out so I can take a quick glimpse.  The reading of this novel and my expectations are somewhat different from the material we studied first semester.  My expectations are different.  To be perfectly clear, I expect that you are keeping up with the reading on your own as it is assigned.  There's a certain amount of effort required on your part, and I expect, in fulfillment of the course requirements, that you will follow through with applying effort.

2.  Discussion of Chapter 1 of 1984 -- please share some of the parts that caught your attention.  Ask questions about any part that might have confused you.

3.  Reading check quiz on Chapter Two of 1984.  Share your responses (3) to Chapter 2.   

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 3 of 1984.  Record 3 parts that caught your attention. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

1984 -- Chapter 1

Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  Value of Life Essays -- I will continue with a few more essays today.  I expect your attentive attention!

2.  1984 --You have read Chapter 1, and you have recorded 5 parts that caught your attention.  Reading check quiz!  This will be a regular routine.  It's important that you keep up with the reading.

NOTE:  Have your book each day and read while I take attendance.  

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 2 of 1984 and 3 responses. Remember to record vocabulary and define. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Good Morning!
Have deep respect for your learning.

1.  Value of Life Essays -- I will continue with a few more essays today.  I expect your attentive attention!

2.  1984 -- Yesterday we checked out this novel.  You received a journal and were assigned to read Chapter 1 by tomorrow and record 5 parts that caught your attention.  Please respond neatly and thoughtfully.  Today I will continue to introduce this novel by referring to the ERWC background material.

NOTE:  Have your book each day and read while I take attendance.  

HOMEWORK:  Chapter 1 of 1984 and 5 responses. 

Monday, February 22, 2016


Good Morning !
I hope you had a great weekend!

1.  1984 -- Today we check out the George Orwell novel.  When we return to class, I intend to read a few of your Value of Life Essays.  I will then introduce 1984 to you by looking at Activity #1 in the ERWC module.  I will be sharing the information with you on the Promethean Board rather than giving you a packet this time.  

2.  1984 Writer's Journal -- I have made a journal for you in which you will respond to a variety of assignments.  If you need additional pages, you will please ask for them. You will skip no more than two lines between entries, but please do skip at least one line.  Write neatly and keep the journal so it does not get mangled in your backpack!

3.  Assignment:  By Wednesday you will have read Chapter 1 (to p.20).  In your journal, you will have recorded 5 parts that caught your attention (paraphrase the parts and record page number). 

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 1 of 1984 and respond to 5 parts.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive to class

*You have created a new document and have named it as follows: 
                              Period __ Value of Life Essay 

*You HAVE shared it with me (  If your essay is not shared by the due date, I will not accept it, especially if you submit it after the essays have been graded.

*Refer to Activity #42, Prompt #1 if this essay assignment is unclear to you.  It is due Friday, February 19.  It should be approximately 800 - 1000 words.  You are to include a discussion of the readings that we have done in class.  That is an essential ingredient.

*Take care in composing your thoughts and sentences.  I will be sharing these essays with the class next week -- anonymously. All essays will be read.   

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay due today.  We will be checking out 1984 on Monday.  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive to class

*You have created a new document and have named it as follows: 
                              Period __ Value of Life Essay 

*You HAVE shared it with me ( 

*Refer to Activity #42, Prompt #1 if this essay assignment is unclear to you.  It is due Friday, February 19.  It should be approximately 800 - 1000 words.  You are to include a discussion of the readings that we have done in class.  That is an essential ingredient.

*Take care in composing your thoughts and sentences.  I will be sharing these essays with the class next week -- anonymously.   

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay due tomorrow.  We will be checking out 1984 on Monday.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive to class

*You have created a new document and have named it as follows: 
                              Period __ Value of Life Essay 

*You HAVE shared it with me ( 

*Refer to Activity #42, Prompt #1 if this essay assignment is unclear to you.  It is due Friday, February 19.  It should be approximately 800 - 1000 words.  You are to include a discussion of the readings that we have done in class.  That is an essential ingredient.

*Take care in composing your thoughts and sentences.  

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay due Friday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!
Hope you had a great 4-day weekend!   

Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive to class

* You have created new document and named it as follows: 
                              Period __ Value of Life Essay 

*Share it with me TODAY ( 

* Refer to Activity #42, Prompt #1 if this essay assignment is unclear to you.  It is due Friday, February 19.  It should be approximately 800 - 1000 words.  You are to include a discussion of the readings that we have done in class.  That is an essential ingredient.

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive to class
* Create a new document and name it as follows: 
                              Period __ Value of Life Essay 
  *Share it with me TODAY ( 
* Refer to Activity #42, Prompt #1 if this essay assignment is unclear to you.  It is due Friday, February 19.  It should be approximately 800 - 1000 words.  You are to include a discussion of the readings that we have done in class.
HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!

1.  The Value of Life Essay -- You did a quickwrite on the value of life and many of you wrote some great thoughts!  Today, I will read you a student example of the essay that you are being assigned today.  Then, I have a TEDTalk that I would like to share that relates to the theme of the value of life.

2.  Tomorrow you will get your netbook and work on this essay in class.  The due date will be Friday, February 19th.  We will then begin the novel, 1984 on the following Monday.  Begin composing your essay tonight.  Be mindful that you will be incorporating the texts that we read in your essay. Refer to Prompt #1 under Activity 42.

TEDTalk on Happiness

HOMEWORK:  Begin the value of life essay

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning!
"And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
                                                                                           Steve Jobs

 1. Steve Jobs -- "You've got to find what you love" 
    This is the text of the commencement address delivered by 
    Steve Jobs on June 12, 2005.  You have annotated the text 
    paragraph by paragraph, noting important ideas and 
    reflecting on what you have read. You have also responded
    to questions.

 2. Your quickwrite on the value of life -- I asked you to do that for homework . . .  yes, homework. I gave you paper for this and asked you to write "Quickwrite" at the top. I will collect immediately.

3.  Final Essay for Module #4, Prompt #1

4.  Tomorrow we will get the netbooks out and begin on this essay.

HOMEWORK:  Essay on the value of life

Monday, February 8, 2016

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning!
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

 1. Steve Jobs -- "You've got to find what you love" 
    This is the text of the commencement address delivered by 
    Steve Jobs on June 12, 2005.  You have annotated the text 
    paragraph by paragraph, noting important ideas and 
    reflecting on what you have read. 

    Respond carefully and completely to the questions on
    the handout provided today. 

2.  Final Essay for Module #4 -- Begin considering what you
     would say about the value of life. 

The First Computer

HOMEWORK:  Look at Activity #42, Prompt #1.  Begin collecting your thoughts about how we should value human life.  Without thinking of structure, complete a quickwrite.

Friday, February 5, 2016

"What Is The Value Of A Human Life?"

Good Morning!

 1.  "What Is The Value Of A Human Life?" -- Yesterday we read this text by Kenneth Feinberg, the individual who was appointed to distribute the government compensation fund for 911 families.  I asked you do write a reflection on the back of the handout.  I would like you to share what you have written.

2.  Steve Jobs -- "You've got to find what you love" 
     This is the text of the commencement address delivered by 
     Steve Jobs on June 12, 2005.  Please annotate the text 
     paragraph by paragraph.  *Note important ideas.  *Reflect on
     what you have read.   *Ask questions of the text.  Take time to
     process this text.

3.  Final Essay for Module #4 -- Begin considering what you
     would say about the value of life. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What Is The Value of Human Life?

Good Morning!
1. "What Is A Life Worth?"  -- Yesterday you turned in questions on this text and your responses to Activities #30 & 31. I would like to read some of your responses.
2.  Human Life Value Calculator -- the value of human life calculated according to specific formulas.  We will look at a form for this.
3.  "What Is The Value Of A Human Life? by Kenneth Feinberg.
     Complete questions under Activity #41 after the text.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What is a Life Worth?

Good Morning!

 Pan Am Flight 103, Lockerbie, Scotland

 1.  "What Is A Life Worth?"  -- Yesterday you responded to questions on the text.  I will collect them right away.

What parts caught your attention in the article?  Take a few moments to review the article and be ready to respond.

(I am giving you paper for the following two activities.)

2. Activity #30 -- Summarizing and Responding
Write a summary of the article's descriptions of how life is valued and people's responses to that valuing of life.

  Activity #31 -- "Thinking Critically." -- to be completed before the end of the period and turned in.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"What Is A Life Worth"

Good Morning!
1.  "What Is A Life Worth?"  Yesterday you worked on this article in class, annotating it for main ideas and noting the points where a value of life is expressed -- economically and emotionally.

Kenneth Feinberg on 911 (Youtube video)
2.  Questions on "What Is A Life Worth?"  As a means to understand this article more fully, thoughtfully complete the questions.  Work with a partner.
3.  Activities #30 and 31 --  we will orally discuss those activities. 

HOMEWORK:  Complete questions 

Monday, February 1, 2016

"What Is A Life Worth?"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend! 

1.  New Seating Chart -- Let's start the second semester with a new visual perspective in class.

2.Re: Oral Book reviews.  Thank you for your sustained patience in listening to the book reviews.  All and all I think you did a great job, and I enjoyed listening to you speak.  There is not an independent reading book requirement for this second semester as we will be reading two long works, and I will want you to be prepared with the reading.

3. Module #4 Text:  "What Is A Life Worth?
    Activity #26: Making Predictions and Asking Questions

   As you read the article for the first time, look for the main issues and the various stances people take in response to those issues.  Look for connections to the idea of valuing life and to what was previously said about valuing life by Shakespeare and Ebert.  Annotate the text.
Amanda Ripley

HOMEWORK:  Finish reading the article "What Is A Life Worth?"