Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!

1.  The Value of Life Essay -- You did a quickwrite on the value of life and many of you wrote some great thoughts!  Today, I will read you a student example of the essay that you are being assigned today.  Then, I have a TEDTalk that I would like to share that relates to the theme of the value of life.

2.  Tomorrow you will get your netbook and work on this essay in class.  The due date will be Friday, February 19th.  We will then begin the novel, 1984 on the following Monday.  Begin composing your essay tonight.  Be mindful that you will be incorporating the texts that we read in your essay. Refer to Prompt #1 under Activity 42.

TEDTalk on Happiness

HOMEWORK:  Begin the value of life essay

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