Friday, September 30, 2016

Book Review

Good Morning!
Literature is Life.  Good literature touches life.

 1.  Netbook Agreement -- If you have not returned this form, it is absolutely necessary to do so in order to use a Chromebook in this class.

NOTE:  I will be checking you WRITER'S JOURNAL next week.  I would like to do that on Tuesday, Oct 4. 

2. Final Writing Prompt for Module #1 -- Yesterday I gave you the writing prompt for the Personal Essay assignment.  I asked you to get started on it last night.  It will be due next Friday, Oct 7.  You will be turning in a hard copy to me by that date.

3.  Book Review (HANDOUT) -- I am giving you time in class today to complete the book review.  I know I said that would happen on Monday, but we need to focus on the Personal Essay on Monday.  If you do not finish the book review in class today, complete it for homework.  I will collect it at the beginning of the period on Monday.

HOMEWORK:  Book Review

HOMEWORK:  Begin Personal Essay

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Final Writing Prompt

Good Morning!
Literature is Life.  Good literature touches life.

 1.  Independent Reading -- We will read for about ten minutes. Book Reviews are due Monday, October 3rd.  For this first grading period, we will not be posting them on Goodreads.  Instead, I have a form for you to complete.

NOTE:  Netbook Agreement 

2. Activity #22 -- Please take a look at this activity.  We will briefly go over Activity 23, the Elements of the Rhetorical Framework.

3.  Final Writing Prompt

HOMEWORK:  Begin Personal Essay

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

FAQ College/World of Work

Good Morning!
Literature is Life.  Good literature touches life.

 1.  Independent Reading -- We will read for about ten minutes. Book Reviews are due Monday, October 3rd.  For this first grading period, we will not be posting them on Goodreads.  Instead, I have a form for you to complete.

NOTE:  Netbook Agreement 

For those of you who are working or will enter the world of work following your graduation, the taxes you pay go towards supporting this country.
Where do Our Taxes Go?
2.WRITER'S JOURNAL:  You have written ten questions that you have about going to college or entering the world of work, and you have researched these questions. Today I would like you to share your findings.

California Colleges
Californian Careers 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

FAQ Colleg/Career

Good Morning!
Literature is Life.  Good literature touches life.

1.  Independent Reading -- We will read for about ten minutes. Book reviews on Goodreads are due Oct 3.  I will be giving you time in class to work on that and make sure we all know how to do this. There is a rubric for the book review which you will receive soon. 

NOTE:  Netbook Agreement

2.WRITER'S JOURNAL:  You have written ten questions that you have about going to college or entering the world of work.  Today you will do some research to answer those questions.  I will provide a handout of websites for your research.  

California Colleges
Californian Careers 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Monday, September 26, 2016

FAQ for College and Career

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!
Literature is Life.  Good literature touches life.

1.  Independent Reading -- We will read for about ten minutes. Book reviews on Goodreads are due Oct 3.  I will be giving you time in class to work on that and make sure we all know how to do this. There is a rubric for the book review which you will receive soon. 

2. Four Texts-- Friday you reported on four different articles which addressed the topic of going to college.  I will briefly review those articles today and then collect your annotated copies.

3.  WRITER'S JOURNAL:  Write ten questions that you have about going to college or entering the world of work.  Tomorrow you will do some research to answer those questions.  I will provide a handout of websites for your research.  Refer to Activity#20 for an example of a FAQ.

California Colleges

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Friday, September 23, 2016

Four Articles

Good Morning!
Literature is Life.  Good literature touches life.

1.  Independent Reading -- We will read for about ten minutes. Book reviews on Goodreads are due Oct 3.  I will be giving you time in class to work on that and make sure we all know how to do this. There is a rubric for the book review which you will receive soon. 

2. Four Texts -- Yesterday you were assigned to read a text.  All four texts address the topic of going to college. Today, you will meet in a group according to the article you were assigned and decide who presents what information about the article to the class.  Your reporting to the class includes:
                            1. A brief but complete summary
                           2. Important quotes or information
                           3. An explanation of what you think is important
                               about the document
                           4. The group's opinion about the article with

Each person in the group must speak when you come before the class. The whole class will thus be informed on all four articles. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Four Articles

Good Morning!
Happy Autumnal Equinox

1.  Independent Reading -- We will read for about ten minutes. Book reviews on Goodreads are due Oct 3.  I will be giving you time in class to work on that and make sure we all know how to do this. There is a rubric for the book review which you will receive soon. 

2.  Reading 4 texts that address decisions about whether to start working or go to college. Here's how we will do this:
                * You will be assigned an article
                * You will read the article closely and annotate.
                * You will meet in a group that has the same article
                * You will report on this article to the class with the
                    following information:
                           1. a brief summary
                           2. Important quotes or information
                           3. An explanation of what you think is important
                               about the document

 The whole class will thus be informed on all four articles. 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Writing a Letter

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. I will collect your questions on "Hidden Intellectualism"  and your ANNOTATED copy of the text.  I decided to treat the questions more as a quiz, so I am not reviewing before collecting.

3. Activity #12 --  According to you, does Graff in "Hidden Intellectualism" have a valid argument?  Write a paragraph in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.  

4.  Activity #13 -- Writing a letter to a friend

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. "Hidden Intellectualism"  -- We will finish discussion of this today. You will complete questions on the text (handout).

3.  Activity #12 Thinking Critically.  Read the directions.  In your Writer's Journal, you will write three separate "idea chunks."  You are writing about your ideas from your own life and experience that connect to the Perez and Graff essays.

4.  Activity #13 -- Writing a letter to a friend

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Monday, September 19, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. "Hidden Intellectualism"  -- We will resume with paragraph #11.  Annotate your copy as I stop and discuss.

3.  Activity #12 Thinking Critically.  Read the directions.  In your Writer's Journal, you will write three separate "idea chunks."  You are writing about your ideas from your own life and experience that connect to the Perez and Graff essays.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Friday, September 16, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  Please keep the desks clean.  If something is written on your desk when you come into class, let me know right away, or I will assume that you have put it there!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. "Hidden Intellectualism"  --  We have read up through paragraph 10  (8 for period 4).  In your WRITER'S JOURNAL discuss the ideas that were developed up to where we have read.
We will continue reading and annotating.

3.  Activity #12 Thinking Critically.  Read the directions.  In your Writer's Journal, you will write three separate "idea chunks."  You are writing about your ideas from your own life and experience that connect to the Perez and Graff essays.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Thursday, September 15, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2.  Vocabulary to "Hidden Intellectualism"  -- Yesterday you defined and recorded 8 words in your Writer's Journal.

3. "Hidden Intellectualism" -- We will read this together and pause after each paragraph.  You are to annotate your copy with main ideas from the paragraph, questions perhaps, interpretations, disagreements, etc.  In other words, your annotations should show that you have been attentive to the reading of this text.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. Activity #8 -- Yesterday you responded to this activity with writing a page in your Writer's Journal about a time when you overcame failure.

3. Activity #9 -- Under Activity #9 in your Writer's Journal, record one of the following quotations about intellectuals that best matches your definition of an intellectual.  Explain why you selected this quote.

Quotations about intellectuals:
     "The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice."  Bertrand Russell

    "An intellectual is a person who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows."  Dwight D. Eisenhower

    "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself."  
                                                                              Albert Camus

4.  Vocabulary -- In your Writer's Journal, record and define the words on the whiteboard.

4.  "Hidden Intellectualism" -- Annotate your copy of the article as we read and discuss.  I will pause at intervals. 

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2. Activity #8 -- Yesterday you responded to this activity with writing a page in your Writer's Journal about a time when you overcame failure.

3.Activity #9

Quotations about intellectuals:
     "The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless an intellectual vice."  Bertrand Russell

    "An intellectual is a person who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows."  Dwight D. Eisenhower

    "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself."  
                                                                              Albert Camus

4.  "Hidden Intellectualism" -- Annotate your copy as the article is read and discussed.  I will pause at intervals.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

Monday, September 12, 2016

"Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Today we will begin independent reading and read for about ten minutes.

2.  Friday you completed Activity #3, ranking words that best apply to you.  Respond to Activity #4 with a paragraph which incorporates the questions.  

3.  "Want to Succeed in College?  Learn to Fail": 
      Complete Activity #6 in your WRITER"S JOURNAL. Follow the directions given.
      Activity #7 -- Record 2 sentences in your WRITER'S Journal and respond to them.  Explain why you chose the quote. 

4.  Complete Activity #8 in your WRITER"S JOURNAL

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading.  I will check for books tomorrow.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Module #1

Good Morning!

NOTE:  The library is open for book checkout.  Please have your independent reading book for next Monday.  Look at the annotated book list under "Important Links."

1. "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"  -- I will collect your annotated copy of this text.  Yes, I asked you to take notes as we read this text together.

2.  Module #1: "What's Next?  Thinking About Life After High School" (handout).  Please quietly read Activity #1 to get an understanding of this module.  THEN, respond to the questions in Activity #2 in your Writer's Journal as they apply to you.

    Look at Activity #3.  According to the directions, record your ten words in your Writer's Journal and then rank the 20 words from most important to least important.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading Book

Thursday, September 8, 2016

TEDTAlk: "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  The library is open for book checkout.  Please have your independent reading book for next Monday.  Look at the annotated book list under "Important Links."

1. "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success" --  We will finish this text today, and you will finish responding to chunks of text.

2.   TEDTalk:
 "A kinder, gentler philosophy of success"

HOMEWORK:  Select an independent reading book

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Good Morning!

NOTE:  The library opens today for book checkout.  I will be reminding you of this through the week so that all of you will have your independent reading book for next Monday.  Look at the annotated book list under "Important Links."

1. "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success" -- Yesterday we began this text and you are responding to chunks of the text in your Writer's Journal.  We will continue with this today and should finish today.

2.  "A kinder, gentler philosophy of success"

HOMEWORK:  Select an independent reading book

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great three-day weekend!

NOTE:  The library opens tomorrow for book checkout.  I will be reminding you of this through the week so that all of you will have your independent reading book for next Monday.

*Ready with Notebook?

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"  -- Before we get started with the first module ("What's Next?  Thinking About Life After High School"), I would like us to read a text from a TEDTalk which is powerfully relevant to the first module.  Please follow along as I read.  I will give you a few moments to respond to chunks of text.  You will be responding in your WRITER'S JOURNAL which I asked you to have today!

Homework:  Independent Reading Book

Friday, September 2, 2016

Introduction to ERWC

Good Morning!
I hope this week has gone smoothly for you and that you are glad to be back to the business of learning!

1.  Introduction to ERWC -- I gave you a packet yesterday that introduces us to this course.  I asked you complete Activity #1 (separate handout provided).

2.  Complete Activity #3 in the packet and we will discuss together.  The ideas here are important characteristics that describe the objectives of this course.

NOTE:  The library is open Wednesday for book checkout. I will remind you of that next week. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Good Morning!
I hope this week is going smoothly for you and that you are glad to be back to the business of learning!

1.  Yesterday you wrote a letter addressed either to me or yourself.  I will collect this today and return it to you in June.  Of course, I will be reading what you have written right away.

2.  Course Syllabus.  NOTE: Please have a single subject spiral notebook by next Tuesday and, of course, have it with you!

3.  Introduction to ERWC (packet) -- complete the activities indicated.