Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great three-day weekend!

NOTE:  The library opens tomorrow for book checkout.  I will be reminding you of this through the week so that all of you will have your independent reading book for next Monday.

*Ready with Notebook?

"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"  -- Before we get started with the first module ("What's Next?  Thinking About Life After High School"), I would like us to read a text from a TEDTalk which is powerfully relevant to the first module.  Please follow along as I read.  I will give you a few moments to respond to chunks of text.  You will be responding in your WRITER'S JOURNAL which I asked you to have today!

Homework:  Independent Reading Book

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