Friday, September 9, 2016

Module #1

Good Morning!

NOTE:  The library is open for book checkout.  Please have your independent reading book for next Monday.  Look at the annotated book list under "Important Links."

1. "A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"  -- I will collect your annotated copy of this text.  Yes, I asked you to take notes as we read this text together.

2.  Module #1: "What's Next?  Thinking About Life After High School" (handout).  Please quietly read Activity #1 to get an understanding of this module.  THEN, respond to the questions in Activity #2 in your Writer's Journal as they apply to you.

    Look at Activity #3.  According to the directions, record your ten words in your Writer's Journal and then rank the 20 words from most important to least important.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading Book

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