Monday, February 22, 2016


Good Morning !
I hope you had a great weekend!

1.  1984 -- Today we check out the George Orwell novel.  When we return to class, I intend to read a few of your Value of Life Essays.  I will then introduce 1984 to you by looking at Activity #1 in the ERWC module.  I will be sharing the information with you on the Promethean Board rather than giving you a packet this time.  

2.  1984 Writer's Journal -- I have made a journal for you in which you will respond to a variety of assignments.  If you need additional pages, you will please ask for them. You will skip no more than two lines between entries, but please do skip at least one line.  Write neatly and keep the journal so it does not get mangled in your backpack!

3.  Assignment:  By Wednesday you will have read Chapter 1 (to p.20).  In your journal, you will have recorded 5 parts that caught your attention (paraphrase the parts and record page number). 

HOMEWORK:  Read Chapter 1 of 1984 and respond to 5 parts.

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