Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning!
"And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
                                                                                           Steve Jobs

 1. Steve Jobs -- "You've got to find what you love" 
    This is the text of the commencement address delivered by 
    Steve Jobs on June 12, 2005.  You have annotated the text 
    paragraph by paragraph, noting important ideas and 
    reflecting on what you have read. You have also responded
    to questions.

 2. Your quickwrite on the value of life -- I asked you to do that for homework . . .  yes, homework. I gave you paper for this and asked you to write "Quickwrite" at the top. I will collect immediately.

3.  Final Essay for Module #4, Prompt #1

4.  Tomorrow we will get the netbooks out and begin on this essay.

HOMEWORK:  Essay on the value of life

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