Friday, February 19, 2016

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!

Please get your ASSIGNED netbook when you arrive to class

*You have created a new document and have named it as follows: 
                              Period __ Value of Life Essay 

*You HAVE shared it with me (  If your essay is not shared by the due date, I will not accept it, especially if you submit it after the essays have been graded.

*Refer to Activity #42, Prompt #1 if this essay assignment is unclear to you.  It is due Friday, February 19.  It should be approximately 800 - 1000 words.  You are to include a discussion of the readings that we have done in class.  That is an essential ingredient.

*Take care in composing your thoughts and sentences.  I will be sharing these essays with the class next week -- anonymously. All essays will be read.   

HOMEWORK:  Value of Life Essay due today.  We will be checking out 1984 on Monday.  

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