Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Review

Good Morning!
Welcome back and I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving vacation!

Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

Today, as promised, you will have time to work on your book review.  The book review is due NO LATER than midnight tonight.

Please follow the rubric for the book review.  Once you post it on Goodreads, be sure to submit it to me by filling out the form on my blog.   Please provide space between each paragraph.

I would like to see your WRITER'S JOURNAL today.

Tomorrow we begin Module #3 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.  Book Review is due Monday, Nov 30th . . . . and NO later.
NOTE:  Animal Rights Essay due today

2. ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Activity #28.  You have created a new document and named it Period __ Animal Rights Essay, and you have shared it with me (  This is a 500 word essay.  Compose your thoughts carefully and meaningfully.  Write effective sentences.  

NOTE:  I will collect your copy of  "Of Primates and
             Personhood . . . " today.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading and Book Review

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.  Book Review is due Monday, Nov 30th.
NOTE:  Animal Rights Essay due tomorrow.

2. ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Activity #28.  You have created a new document and named it Period __ Animal Rights Essay, and you have shared it with me (  This is a 500 word essay.  Compose your thoughts carefully and meaningfully.  Write effective sentences.   The completed essay is due on Friday.

NOTE:  I will collect your copy of  "Of Primates and
             Personhood . . . " when you are done with the essay.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Animal Bill of Rights is a petition to the United States Congress, stating the basic, inalienable rights that all sentient beings have—and that our government should protect.    Animal Rights

The Animal Legal Defense Fund’s Proposed Animal Bill of Rights

I. The right of animals to be free from exploitation, cruelty, neglect, and abuse.

II. The right of laboratory animals not to be used in cruel or unnecessary experiments.

III. The right of companion animals to a healthy diet, protective shelter and adequate medical care.

IV. The right of wildlife to a natural habitat, ecologically sufficient to a normal existence and self-sustaining population.

V. The right of farmed animals to an environment that satisfies their basic physical and psychological needs.

VI. The right of animals to have their interest represented in court and safeguarded by the law of the land.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.  Book Review is due Monday, Nov 30th.
2. ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Activity #28.  You have created a new document and named it Period __ Animal Rights Essay, and you have shared it with me (  This is a 500 word essay.  Compose your thoughts carefully and meaningfully.  Write effective sentences.   The completed essay is due on Friday.

NOTE:  I will collect your copy of  "Of Primates and
             Personhood . . . " when you are done with the essay.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Animal Rights Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.  Book Review is due Monday, Nov 30th.
2. ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Activity #28.  Yesterday you created a new document and named it Period __ Animal Rights Essay, and you shared it with me (  This is a 500 word essay.  Compose your thoughts carefully and meaningfully.  Write effective sentences.   The completed essay is due on Friday.

NOTE:  I will collect your copy of  "Of Primates and
             Personhood . . . " when you are done with the essay.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Monday, November 16, 2015

Module #2 Essay Assignment

Good Morning!
Please get your assigned netbook when you arrive.

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.  Book Review is due Monday, Nov 30th.
I am not a label  
2. ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Activity #28.  Please create a new document and name it Period  __ Animal Rights Essay and share it with me TODAY (  This is a 500 word essay.  Compose your thoughts carefully and meaningfully.  Write effective sentences.

NOTE:  I will collect your copy of  "Of Primates and
             Personhood . . . " when you are done with the essay.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Friday, November 13, 2015

Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising

Good Morning!

A presenter from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising is here today.  Enjoy the presentation!


Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Of Primate and Personhood . . . "

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell

NOTE:Book Review is due Monday, Nov 30th
2.  "Of Primates and Personhood"  --  On Tuesday you did descriptive outling for "Of Primates and Personhood . . ."  
  Please complete in your WRITER'S JOURNAL  Activity  # 24 (Summarizing the article and Responding). Does this writer have a bias?  Where is it expressed?  What portions of the text are unclear or questionable to you?

ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Activity #28.  We will work on this next week.  Tomorrow there will be a special presentation for you.  (Fashion Institute of Design  & Merchandising).

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"Of Primates and Personhood"

Good Morning!

Humans aren't as good as we should be in our capacity to empathize with feelings and thoughts of others, be they human or other animals on Earth.  So maybe part of our formal education should be training in empathy.  Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, that were 'reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy. 
                                                                                                            Neil deGrasse Tyson 

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.
NOTE:  Please refer to the side board for what we have done in the WRITER'S JOURNAL.  It will be checked at the end of the second six weeks. 
2.  "Of Primates and Personhood"  -- Do descriptive outlining for this article.  Identify chunks of text and the topics that these chunks are addressing. Please work quietly on this. THEN, respond to Activity # 24 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.
Ban on Research

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Monday, November 9, 2015

"Of Primates and Personhood"

Good Morning!
I hope you had a great weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Please begin at the bell.
NOTE:  Please refer to the side board for what we have done in the WRITER'S JOURNAL.  It will be checked at the end of the second six weeks. 
2.  "Of Primates and Personhood"
     Please respond to Activity #21
     First Reading:  As you quietly read the article for the first 
     time, define the unfamiliar words by copying the definitions
     in the packet.
     Second Reading:  Identify the rhetorical function of each 

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

Friday, November 6, 2015

"From Primates to Personhood"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell

NOTE:   If I have indicated that you need to revise your Personal Essay, do so and let me know so I can give it a grade. Otherwise, you will not receive a grade for it.  I have read some very good essays and have honestly enjoyed them!  I intend to share some of them later this week. 

NOTE:  Please refer to the side board for what we have done in the WRITER'S JOURNAL.  It will be checked at the end of the second six weeks. 

2. Before we go on to "From Primates to Personhood," I thought that it would be beneficial to pause and have a pre-reading experience.  We will watch a video on the life of Dian Fossey who devoted her life to researching the great apes.

Dian Fossey

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, November 5, 2015

"Hooked on a Myth"

Good Morning!
Talking and eloquence are not the same; to speak and to speak well are two things.  A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.   
                                                             -- Heinrich Heine

1.  Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell

NOTE:   If I have indicated that you need to revise your Personal Essay, do so and let me know so I can give it a grade. Otherwise, you will not receive a grade for it.  I have read some very good essays and have honestly enjoyed them!  I intend to share some of them later this week. 

NOTE:  Please refer to the side board for what we have done in the WRITER'S JOURNAL.  It will be checked at the end of the second six weeks.

2.  "Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?" :  Please respond to Activity #20 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.  

I will collect your copy of "Hooked on a Myth" to give you credit for showing descriptive outlining and other notes.

HOMEWORK: Independent reading

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"Hooked on a Myth"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell

NOTE:   If I have indicated that you need to revise your Personal Essay, do so and let me know so I can give it a grade. Otherwise, you will not receive a grade for it.  I have read some very good essays and have honestly enjoyed them!  I intend to share some of them later this week. 

NOTE:  Please refer to the side board for what we have done in the WRITER'S JOURNAL.  It will be checked at the end of the second six weeks.

2.  "Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?"  -- Yesterday we did a descriptive outlining of the text. I will be collecting these papers to give you credit for following along with recording this outlining.
TODAY, please complete Activity #18  ("Are we justified in treating fish differently from other animals?) and Activity #19.

HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading  2.  Revising Personal Essay if necessary

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell

NOTE:  I am working on your Personal Essays.  If I have indicated that you need to revise it, do so and let me know so I can give it a grade.  I am done with periods 3 & 6.  I have read some very good essays and have honestly enjoyed them!  I intend to share some of them later this week. 

2.  "Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?" -- You completed activities #15 & #17 yesterday.  Read the article quietly to the end. Then, read again and consider the structure of the text (Activity #18).  Do a descriptive outline of text.  Draw a line after the introduction and divide the body of the essay into sections on the basis of the topics addressed.  Then draw a line where the conclusion begins.  Is it the last paragraph, or does it begin before that?    In your WRITER'S JOURNAL respond to the question for Activity# 18.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Monday, November 2, 2015

"Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

1.  Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell

NOTE:  I am working on your Personal Essays.  If I have indicated that you need to revise it, do so and let me know so I can give it a grade.  I am done with periods 3 & 6.  I have read some very good essays and have honestly enjoyed them!  I intend to share some of them later this week.  The one theme that I liked the most was about determination: if you get knocked down, get right back up and keep going!

2.  Your response to the editor regarding the Rifkin article -- I will collect that today.  You completed that in class on Friday.  I would like to read some of your responses to the class (anonymously).

3.  "Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?" -- Before reading the article, please complete Activity #15 & Activity #17 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.  You may use your cell phone for Activity #15 to find out something about the writer.

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading