Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?"

Good Morning!

1.  Independent Reading -- Begin at the bell

NOTE:  I am working on your Personal Essays.  If I have indicated that you need to revise it, do so and let me know so I can give it a grade.  I am done with periods 3 & 6.  I have read some very good essays and have honestly enjoyed them!  I intend to share some of them later this week. 

2.  "Hooked on a Myth: Do Fish Feel Pain?" -- You completed activities #15 & #17 yesterday.  Read the article quietly to the end. Then, read again and consider the structure of the text (Activity #18).  Do a descriptive outline of text.  Draw a line after the introduction and divide the body of the essay into sections on the basis of the topics addressed.  Then draw a line where the conclusion begins.  Is it the last paragraph, or does it begin before that?    In your WRITER'S JOURNAL respond to the question for Activity# 18.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

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