Thursday, October 13, 2016

Personal Essay

Good Morning!
Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class.  It has become necessary to enforce confiscation because of the frequent disregard of this rule. If your phone is confiscated, it will be brought to the office.

Period 4:  Federal Survey Cards 

Today you will carefully proofread your essay for writing errors.   A fully complete and carefully edited draft is due tomorrow.  Please do a word count and put it at the bottom of your essay.  Your essay should have NO LESS than 500 words.  I will be looking at your essays as you work. 

You have created a new document and have named it Period __ Personal Essay.  You have also shared it with me ( 

*Please place your heading in the upper left corner of your essay:

Ms. Baltrushes
Expository Reading and Writing
11 October 2016 

I will not read an essay that lacks this heading as shown above.

*Double space your essay
* Entitle your essay
*Indent paragraphs 

HOMEWORK:  Fully completed Personal Essay is due tomorrow. 

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