Tuesday, October 18, 2016

"Three Ways to Persuade"

Good Morning!

Please put away and out of sight your cell phones during class.  It has become necessary to enforce confiscation because of the frequent disregard of this rule. If your phone is confiscated, it will be brought to the office.

Period 4:  Federal Survey Cards 

1.  Independent Reading -- Yesterday I asked you to be prepared with an independent reading book today.  Please read for 10 minutes.

 2.  Personal Essay -- I am going to begin grading these essays.  We worked on them all of last week through Thursday.  I asked you to complete your essay on your own. 

3.  Module #2:  "Three Ways to Persuade" --  I read this text with you yesterday.  To reinforce the ideas, read again on your own and annotate in the margin for main ideas.  I will then collect.

4.  Activity#1 -- Under Activity #1, complete Option 1 Quickwrite in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.

HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading

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