Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Attacking the Obesity Epidemic . . ."

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading:  Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  Book reviews are due Monday, March 2.

*"Good Food/Bad Food" -- Before reading "Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause" complete activity #3 in your packet.  Then, read the article and annotate for the following questions which will help you in your GROUP DISCUSSION:

1.  What parts of the article did you not understand or find 
     confusing?  Note those parts in your annotation.
2.  What parts did you disagree with? 
3.  What parts make the most sense to you that explain the 
      epidemic?  Do you have your own ideas that would explain
      the causes of the obesity epidemic?
4.  What do you think of the proposed solutions?
5.  What parts caught your attention?

In your GROUP DISCUSSION, you might begin by sharing your thoughts about the obesity epidemic even before reading this article.  THEN, use use the questions above as a means of discussing the article in your group.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

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